Is the current build of W10 and W10M a daily driver?


New member
Dec 14, 2012
It's been two years since I've done TP for mobile and I'm thinking about putting it on both my 650 and SP4. I've never done it for a pc before. Is it DD worthy?
I believe the Release Ring is the second least risky of Windows Insider builds, next to Production of course.

Are you considering a particular ring or do you mean just in general? Different rings have different feedback.
Current production build is very stable and is reliable to be a daily driver. while current fast ring and slow rings insider builds are still in a very early stages of development with huge stability issues.

If you are eager to join insiders yet again, i suggest you to join insiders Release Preview ring , as this is the most stable in comparison to slow & fast rings.
Not to say that that's for you, but I'm using last week's fast ring update, and it's pretty solid. No major issues, only hanged once - promptly resolved with a soft reset.
Only major gripes are Facebook and PocketCasts (but I guess the apps are faulty).

Sent with Lumia 640XL from mTalk
Do not do the Fast or Slow ring as your daily driver.

For some it may work fine now but things can go sideways all too easily in the future.

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