SIM Question Regarding switching between phones

Scienceguy Labs

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
Just got off of the phone with AT&T regarding a Huawei phone that I'm using. I switch phones fairly often between WP and Android, and have occasionally run into data and texting issues. Usually, a quick call to AT&T solves everything...except with this Huawei phone, arghhhhhh! Anyway, called today to see if they could help me with my issues, and the rep was very vocal about the fact that if I kept switching phones like this that I'd eventually "fry" one of my phones. He went on to say that the system would "catch up with" me causing my phones to lose I were doing something wrong. He said that I needed to get off of the phone and head directly to my local AT&T store and get the correct sim. He informed me that my wife's and my phone were not matched to our sim cards. He went so far as to say that they are not AT&T sim cards...even though when we set up our 6Ps, we did it in store with brand new sim cards directly from behind the AT&T counter. Anyway....
1. Can sim cards fry your phone?
2. What do you think he meant by "the system will catch up with you"? :D

ad.1 - BS
ad.2 - BS

SIM card cannot damage the phone. It is just chip with ID of your line that is attached to the right account on the operators end. Not sure what "catching up" means. I think this guy is new and does not really know what is going on... I know full call center of those in UK (Three UK to be specific)... Not much use of them, so trying to avoid at all cost... All SIM cards are industry standard chip. There is no matching. SIM is SIM. You can swap SIM between the phones as much as you like. GSM standard, good stuff...
I think he was blowing smoke at you. Can't image SIM card changes could damage a phone. I would and get another customer service person.
I know. It boggled my mind just listening to him. Called back. Got another rep. All is well. Just won't be using that Huawei device, I guess. :)

Glad to hear it! Sorry about not being able to use that device though. :(
Like @Guytronic said, I do the same myself without issue.

In fact, I started this week with my sim in my Honor 8. Monday night, I switched it to a Xperia Z5 Compact (which went back so that lasted for 3 hours tops). Tuesday, it went back into the Honor 8 until Wednesday night. I had the bright idea to use my 550 as a phone on Thursday (the monthly update came out on Wednesday) so it went there before I went to sleep on Wednesday. Friday, it moved to my iPhone SE before sleeping on Thursday night and it's been there since (Saturday is day 2).

I'm not usually that move happy in one week but eh, nothing broke, and I got my texts and LTE speeds just fine. I know, I'm a little oddball :grin:

Edit: Oh I forgot one switch! I think on Thursday night(?), I put it into my Lumia 640 to try for an unlock by T-Mo but that didn't work so it went into one of the above phones lol

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