What do you think about Apples' new Frankenstein commercial?


New member
Dec 24, 2011
Apple's iPhone Frankenstein commercial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFPcsYGriEs) epitomizes the difference between Apple and Microsoft. Apple brings strong, heartfelt, memorable, catchy, commercials to the masses. Microsoft in comparison seem to bring non-memorable weak, too much talking, with nothing for someone to hold on to or even remember the commercial 2 minutes after reviewing it. It's like Microsoft have decided years ago the advertising part and marketing part of their products will get 3rd tier attention.

What do you think about the new iPhone Frankenstein commercial? Do you see Microsoft efforts to be very lacking as I do? Or do you think Microsoft does a good enough job?
Under nokia ads were on a boss level...

Under MS ads are on a second rate villain level... xd

But this has been the case for quite some time now
I am indifferent. Apple has had many others better over the years.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
Sure, but in the spirit the season I find myself humming the song even after the commercial is over. I never remember any Microsoft commercials that gives me pause to consider their products. I do have many Microsoft products because I like them and I dislike anything Apple or Google. But Microsoft isn't trying to convert me. They need to step up their game to convert others to at least look their way.
I saw it today, liked it but it appeared a bit kneejerk reaction to the social fissures illuminated by the recent election. This commercial was probably on the cutting room floor prior to the election, then was rushed to life afterwards.
Don't think its a great ad but it gets the humanity Apple sometimes tries to espouse across.

Microsoft marketing isn't great, but I think their Surface Studio hit it right on the money. At least they're better than those Palm Pre creepy ads.
Don't think its a great ad but it gets the humanity Apple sometimes tries to espouse across.

Microsoft marketing isn't great, but I think their Surface Studio hit it right on the money. At least they're better than those Palm Pre creepy ads.

Surface studio commercial was the 2nd top hit after lady gaga on youtube. If that's not good marketing I don't know what is. It was a powerful commercial no doubt. Everyone I knew watched it multiple times hehe.
I haven't really seen many recent Microsoft commercials (they hardly need to convince me to buy everything I already have). But some of the One S commercials are good and the Studio commercial was awesome.
Very memorable commercial (starring Brad Garrett) with product placement out front.
Apple's ad agency would have more leeway in the presentation idea, since they're truly consumer facing,
Right up there with Budweiser's Clydesdales, possibly same ad agency.

Perhaps a Scrooge themed commercial for MS mobile, since it's enterprise / business facing, currently.
Maybe MS taking a shot @ themselves, thru all the permutations of Win Mobile.
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I hope when/if the Surface phone is released the Surface Studio type commercial is used. That commercial seemed to be the exemption and not the rule for Microsoft. Their commercials for the Surface products have been striking visually, but the tunes that go with them just falls short to me. I can only hope they invest that type of vision in their future phones release as they did with the Surface Studio. A combination of great looks with some memorable music...
I hope when/if the Surface phone is released the Surface Studio type commercial is used. That commercial seemed to be the exemption and not the rule for Microsoft. Their commercials for the Surface products have been striking visually, but the tunes that go with them just falls short to me. I can only hope they invest that type of vision in their future phones release as they did with the Surface Studio. A combination of great looks with some memorable music...

They could spin around the phone and make multiple passes around the headphone jack. That would be funny hehe.

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