Should I change my iPad Air 2 for a Surface Pro 1?

Irving PL

New member
Feb 3, 2016
So there is a lad from my school who owns a SP1 and he told me if I wanted to change (since I always wanted one) for my iPad Air 2, I kind of think I have some sort of the better deal because the surface is pretty much a PC but I'd like to know what any of you guys think.
Honestly, you could probably sell your iPad Air 2 and with the money you get buy a newer Surface.
If it were me I would keep the iPad. I have both. WELL I have an iPad Pro 9.7 and an HP convertable Tablet/Laptop, BUT the iPad Pro gets used daily and the HP collects dust! Granted I have a full PC at work for the PC side AND a Mac Book 12 inch and iMac also at home so I have plenty of computing power and really the HP was just an impulse buy when I had a 300 dollar gift cert!
So there is a lad from my school who owns a SP1 and he told me if I wanted to change (since I always wanted one) for my iPad Air 2, I kind of think I have some sort of the better deal because the surface is pretty much a PC but I'd like to know what any of you guys think.

Bad deal. Chances are you'll be disappointed by the weight, heat, and virtually non-existent battery life of the SP1. The battery life could be even worse if the machine is 3 years old.
Originally posted by Irving PL
So there is a lad from my school who owns a SP1 and he told me if I wanted to change (since I always wanted one) for my iPad Air 2, I kind of think I have some sort of the better deal because the surface is pretty much a PC but I'd like to know what any of you guys think.

You would absolutely, positively be getting the worse deal swapping an iPad Air 2 for a SP1...
Unless a significant sum of money is being pitched in I would not do that trade.

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