Full w10 on Snapdragon processor 835 or above


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Sep 29, 2014
There is no such existing thing for phones so far.there is rumour surface/lumia phone will run win32 app if this will be true then every windows phone should come with snapdragon 835 also at least 6gb ram will be expensive.how will it save windows phone
Well, it won't actually be "Windows Phone" per se any more, it will be a mobile device that runs Windows (ie full Win OS compiled for ARM processors).
Phone hardware is heading in that direction, there are a number of Android phones with 6Gb RAM already.
There is no such existing thing for phones so far.there is rumour surface/lumia phone will run win32 app if this will be true then every windows phone should come with snapdragon 835 also at least 6gb ram will be expensive.how will it save windows phone
Take into account the price margin between ARM (QC chips) and Intel (m processors). Big price gap. So it might not be as expensive as you think.
It means there will be high end phones only

Yes and no. Daniel Rubino said on Twitter that W10M will probably still exist on low/midrange phones. Not that exact wording though.

Edit: His actual tweets

So there is no clear future for windows mobile

Sent from mTalk

but that wasn't an issue before was it?

I think it's reasonably clear here. The x86 emulation on ARM for larger form-factors like laptops and tablets, especially with the 10+ GB footprint of full Windows and stuff.

And I think Microsoft is thinking they'll get to a phone eventually. Like how Continuum is, this fancy new system is for new, expensive devices and more inexpensive, older devices stay the course.
but that wasn't an issue before was it?

I think it's reasonably clear here. The x86 emulation on ARM for larger form-factors like laptops and tablets, especially with the 10+ GB footprint of full Windows and stuff.

And I think Microsoft is thinking they'll get to a phone eventually. Like how Continuum is, this fancy new system is for new, expensive devices and more inexpensive, older devices stay the course.
Truth is that we have to wait and see. Who exactly saw W10 development on ARM coming. There are some who know the big picture and there are some of us that sit back and sometimes try to figure it out. Microsoft knows software and they know where they're going with it. Some cool times we're in nowadays.
Well, it won't actually be "Windows Phone" per se any more, it will be a mobile device that runs Windows (ie full Win OS compiled for ARM processors).
Phone hardware is heading in that direction, there are a number of Android phones with 6Gb RAM already.
Actually, it's going to be a pocketable computer with telephony. Microsoft, or Nadella to be exact, has raised the white flag on mobile and decided that there needs to be a "next big thing". Continuum didn't catch on because of the availability of apps but it showed the promise of what could be. Someone's light bulb 💡 came on and figured it was easier to make a computer into a phone than a phone into a computer. If they can pull it off, mission accomplished.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
So there is no clear future for windows mobile

Sent from mTalk

I think Microsoft will continue to support the Windows Mobile devices but will probably push the NEW Windows OS devices. The screen will have to be fairly large to get everything to fit in nicely. Probably 5.5+ screen sizes. Plus the phone will most likely have to be landscape most of the time.
W10M will probably stay with us for the next few years. MS will test and optimize the mobile UI of W10 here. When full W10 and the ARM hardware is sufficient enough they will port the W10M UI to full W10 so you'll have a W10M experience on your ARM phone with W10.
Just my thoughts. If MS will then support W10M any longer or not is the big question
My guess is, that they just port the Windows Phone UI over to Windows. This could be done similar like they did with Windows 8.1/RT, where you could switch between desktop and touch UI with a press of a button. In fact the desktop UI was just behaving like any other full-screen app.
In my opinion this was the best approach anyway compared to what they did with touch UI in Windows 10...
They adding more features to windows 10 mobile with windows creator update .I think they didn't drop wm10 UI may even surface/lumia phone will use windows 10 mobile UI because it's different from android & ios UI
It's difficult to combine a desktop OS and phone OS to run in one device. Not only the UI is different, but also the lifecycle of apps, power management and security.
I think a Surface Phone for 2017 is unlikely, but OEMs could launch phone-like devices with early software and the promise of improvements.
It's difficult to combine a desktop OS and phone OS to run in one device. Not only the UI is different, but also the lifecycle of apps, power management and security.
I think a Surface Phone for 2017 is unlikely, but OEMs could launch phone-like devices with early software and the promise of improvements.
I thinks we will see "Surface Phone" in nearest future, due to too big gap in time between last released Lumia and "Surface Phone".
Second point: prices for Lumia dropped drastically, which is a prepared field for a "Surface Device" to land.
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I thinks we will see "Surface Phone" in nearest future, due to too bog gap between last released Lumia and "Surface Phone" in time.
Second point: prices for Lumia dropped drastically, which is a prepared field for a "Surface Device" to land.
Don't hold your breath.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
I think Microsoft will made Only high end phones like apple,google is doing now.low and mid range phone they will want to made by other companies.they might also sell Lumia brand to hp or other to made low and mid range phones
I think Microsoft will made Only high end phones like apple,google is doing now.low and mid range phone they will want to made by other companies.they might also sell Lumia brand to hp or other to made low and mid range phones
I really hope so!

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