Anyone use Garmin Connect Mobile on the current Insider build?


New member
Jul 26, 2014
I can't seem to get my Vivoactive HR and Lumia 950 XL to sync anymore once I went over to the fast ring last night. I'm starting to think I might need to downgrade back if no one knows of any workaround. I've tried resetting it and starting with the build fully clean (no restore or anything). Anyone have any ideas or at least have first-hand knowledge that it does work? If no one can get it to work then its clearly an issue and I'll post it on feedback.
When I first got my Vivoactive HR, I was on Fast Ring and could not get it work with the Connect app. As soon as I backtracked to official, it worked. I had the same problems with my Band 2 and Health/Band app, always something not working.
My Vivoactive HR finally sync correctly with my Lumia 950 today. May be because of the latest update? But I am happy it works now so that I don't have to use cable.
My Vivoactive HR finally sync correctly with my Lumia 950 today. May be because of the latest update? But I am happy it works now so that I don't have to use cable.

Are you on the Fast ring or Production? Because I rolled back to production and it works fine now. I'd be interested to know if someone has it working on Fast ring and just confirm what build you're on.
I just got a Vivoactive HR two days ago, and I'm having issues with notifications (Lumia 950 on current release build 14393.576).

A few minutes after I paired the device with my phone, I received a phone call and got an alert on my Vivoactive HR. After that, I didn't receive any further alerts for calls, emails or texts.

This morning, I did a chat with Garmin support. The agent walked me through resetting the device and uninstalling/reinstalling the Garmin Connect app on my phone. After I was done, pairing the device with my phone again, I received an email notification on the Vivoactive HR. Then, no further alerts for the past two hours.

At one point, I ignored a phone call. I didn't get an notification on the Garmin device, but when I checked the notification widget, it listed a missed phone call. Occasionally, I receive an alert on my wrist, but when I look, it just shows "Phone Disconnected."

As far as syncing data from the Vivoactive to the phone, there is no issue. It automatically syncs each time I open the Connect Mobile app.
My guess is the way Windows 10 Mobile implemented bluetooth. Currently, it doesn't support a GATT Server like Android/iOS which is utilized for wearables on those platforms. I've never had too much ease with the notifications on my Vivoactive. Sometimes I get notifications, sometimes I don't. Most of the time I don't though. Hopefully it'll be better with the Creator's Update if they do indeed include a GATT Server by then.
After doing some more testing last night and this morning, I've found that I only receive notifications on the Garmin device if the phone pops up a notification while the Garmin Connect app is opened and there is an active Bluetooth connection between the phone and the device.

I've set the Garmin Connect app to always run in the background, but every time I try to resume the app after about 30 minutes to an hour, it is frozen. I have to close out of the app and reopen it to sync my data again. I don't know if this is an issue with the app itself or with Windows 10, but that could be part of the reason why notifications can't sync any time the phone received one.

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