Alcatel Idol 4s Insiders Program


New member
Jun 9, 2012
I have the Alcatel Idol 4s and was wondering if anyone put the latest insiders build on it? If so, how well does it work? Also, why don't we have all of the camera functions on the Idol 4s?
Thanks for letting me know that, I seriously didn't know because I didn't look at the avatar or name. I just responded because I had something else going on distracting me lol.
Originally posted by holdum333
Originally Posted by Montpbm
Thanks, but it only answered some of my questions? I appreciate that though bro.

I think libra89 is a sister and not a bro! Avatar looks like a sister to me. I'm sure she can answer all your questions bro. LMAO
Yuppers! I think @libra89 is awesome also! Wondering if you have more questions about your issue! You don't see a lot of gals helping on forums and that alone makes her awesome IMHO!
I agree 100%, that's why I assumed that she was a he, you never really see that, especially on here.. I guess i won't be making anymore assumption lol.
Originally posted by holdum333
Yuppers! I think @libra89 is awesome also! Wondering if you have more questions about your issue! You don't see a lot of gals helping on forums and that alone makes her awesome IMHO!
I agree 100%, that's why I assumed that she was a he, you never really see that, especially on here.. I guess i won't be making anymore assumption lol.
:grin: You know the old saying when you assume you make out a *** of you and me! ***-u- me! LMAO. It's good to have a little fun here on the forum. It takes the pressure off of us hard working people like me and @libra89!
Not vague at all, pretty straight forward. The function that allows you to select a picture from a video and change the flash after the photo has been taken.
The function that allows you to select a picture from a video and change the flash after the photo has been taken.
Those are Lumia-specific functions that may or may not be available via 3rd party apps. The post that Libra89 mentioned pretty much sums up the differences I've noticed. As more Store apps get updated, the overall experience has improved so it's changing almost on a daily basis. Don't know what else to tell you.

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