W Windows Central Question Jan 16, 2017 #1 I had Kid's Corner before upgrading my phone and used it but now can not find it in my settings where it should be. Please help
I had Kid's Corner before upgrading my phone and used it but now can not find it in my settings where it should be. Please help
xandros9 Active member Nov 12, 2012 16,110 1 38 Jan 16, 2017 #2 Microsoft decided that removing Kid's Corner from Windows 10 Mobile was a bright idea because of alleged lack of use. I'm not sure what you can use to replace it, but I hear Apps Corner being thrown around as an alternative. Upvote 0 Downvote
Microsoft decided that removing Kid's Corner from Windows 10 Mobile was a bright idea because of alleged lack of use. I'm not sure what you can use to replace it, but I hear Apps Corner being thrown around as an alternative.