I have troubles with WIFI in my Lumia 950.


New member
Jun 6, 2016
I have a good WIFI at home (all devices are working fine), my Lumia`s 950 download speed is horrible. Lumia app "Network speed test" shows normal speed, but when I update programs, or play games the speed of internet connection is horrible until I connect my device to the charger, in that moment everything work like it should be. I have this problem from the box (I bought Lumia 950 6 weeks ago), I tried Hard Reset & Recovery Tool, but problem remains. The device came to me with 0% battery (battery was in the phone & battery contacts were not sealed).
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May I know what build/version are you running on your 950? I'm a 950 owner too, and tbh my phone works just fine.

Btw, regarding the slow updating of apps, it is normal. It's just Microsoft Store being inefficient in updating. BUT I do notice the updating to be a bit quicker when using a faster WiFi connection.
Current build 10.0.14393.693, version 1607. When I update apps it can be on normal speed, but ussualy it is very slooow. But when phone is charging it is always fast with the same WIFI conection.
Current build 10.0.14393.693, version 1607. When I update apps it can be on normal speed, but ussualy it is very slooow. But when phone is charging it is always fast with the same WIFI conection.

That's weird. Have you tried downloading something via Edge when off the charger and does it show the slow download speed?

I'm not sure about you, but in my place, getting under 6 Mbps is already considered fast enough (3rd World Country after all) via 4G and WiFi. Using either of these connections, my download speed is the same as what I'm getting on my laptop. So, yeah.

Could you check if you enabled the 'Use Random Hardware Address'? I heard it's known to cause some issues. In my own experience on my LAPTOP, not my phone, enabling the random hardware address on certain connections causes it to slow down to a crawl i.e. my university WiFi. I'm guessing that the university's WiFi access is based on user log-in basis and maintaining access to my laptop for a day requires the server to identify my laptop's access via hardware address, whatever that is.
Lumia 950 is my fourth Lumia device (720, 925, 930). They all worked with the same WIFI, and they worked just great. I have a China tablet and the connection on it is always the same. Edge browser in 950 workes allways good, but the rest apps are slowing down. For example the download speed in Store can be 100-200 kilobyte/sec, but when charging the speed is always 3-4 megabyte/sec. I think that the problem can be in a battery, but I don`t know how to chek it.

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