Why are black graphic blocks obscuring the display of text in multiple applications?


New member
Feb 9, 2017
Have started to see black graphic blocks obscuring the display of text in multiple applications (Quicken and Powerpoint) while in Windows 10. At first I thought it was limited to Quicken. When I open the Quicken file I see these black boxes on top of text that should be displayed. In many cases the display of them is predictable... they show up all the time in the same place as I enter a new transaction in Quicken. Then I used Powerpoint and the same thing was happening in that application. It made me wonder if this was a Windows problem. Any help?
Providing a little more information will help people understand what is happening here.

Did it just start, or has it been happening all along? Is this a new machine, or an older PC that has been upgraded to Windows 10? Any additional information you can provide would be useful.

My first thoughts would either be a graphics card driver is having issues, or else there is something going on with the fonts.

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I joined the community and can now expand on my issues. I bought an HP laptop back in Oct 2016. I loaded it with the latest Quicken and with MS Office Professional. I did not have any issues with these programs on Windows 10 until last week. If you asked me what changed, I can only say that I keep the Windows 10 updated from notifications and also Quicken did an update just the week prior to this starting to happen. That Quicken update is what made me think it was something within Quicken that changed, but when I had the problems in MS Office Professional Powerpoint also, I thought maybe it was something in Windows. I have not tried to explore any report of a HW problem.

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