Failed to install console window font. What to try next?


New member
Mar 3, 2017
Just got a new Dell desktop PC. XPS with Windows Version 10.0.14393. I've tried following steps to install different console fonts (there are not many listed in the layout/font window). Example, in Regedit/Console/TrueTypeFont I add a name to the list 000 and then modify and type in Terminal Regular for the data, which is listed in Control Panel fonts.
After re-booting, I expect to see that font in the cmd window font properties but no luck.
In Notepad "Terminal" font is listed. I've tried several others. Any ideas?
Thanks. I read through that link but did not see how it addresses my issue,
where I used regedit to add another font, re-booted, and the font was not listed.
It would be helpful if there were official documentation, or some confirmation
that what I tried should work. The issue is with ascii characters in the low range,
for example character code #4 (a diamond-shaped character), when displaying
file contents that include this character with the TYPE command, the character shows
up as a box with a question mark. Changing to another of the 5 fonts, including a
raster font, does not solve the issue.
In the console window, when I press Alt+numpad 4, the character displays ok.
Still unresolved.
This has been resolved. I needed raster fonts in the console window and made the silly
error of thinking "Raster Fonts" was just a heading for what followed in the font list.

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