Windows Central Question
Hi, I have a Nokia Lumia 930. I have been using it normally all day, as I was getting ready to leave work, I unplugged it from my laptop as it was full charged and turned on Bluetooth from the notification screen to connect some headphone. When I unlocked it, it didn't open to my home screen, but to the app list, and only a tiny number were there (about a quarter of the ones I have installed) as I watched, a few random old ones reappeared as "recently added". Now it is acting weird. I have been able to reinstall some apps from the store, like Facebook, some apps will not reinstall like Metrotube and Podcast Lounge, but most strangely, some apps which I cannot launch from the app list as they also seem to have disappeared can be accessed - eg Facebook Messenger is missing, even if I search for it, but Facebook itself can launch it. I cannot find Angry Birds Star Wars 2 on my phone, but if I go the store it says it is already installed and I can open it from there, but no other way. I still have a notification from Instagram, when I hit it, it does not open the app, when I search my phone it is not there, but when I go to the store to reinstall, it opens fine from there. I assume I will need to restore a backup (which I want to avoid - it is never perfect) but any ideas are welcome. Thanks