Microsoft Lumia 950 dual sim

Harris S

New member
Mar 16, 2017
Lumia 950 dual sim. With a very light hit, like when I am putting the phone on the table or bed stand etc.... sometimes also when I put it in my pocket, its rebooting by its own and sometimes its turning off. Any help please? The phone in new and never felt down or any strong hit. Thank you very much!!!! Many Regards to everyone!!!!
Lumia 950 dual sim. With a very light hit, like when I am putting the phone on the table or bed stand etc.... sometimes also when I put it in my pocket, its rebooting by its own and sometimes its turning off. Any help please? The phone in new and never felt down or any strong hit. Thank you very much!!!! Many Regards to everyone!!!!

I would suggest removing the cover and checking if the battery is in correctly. Try taking out the battery and putting it back in securely.
I agree with libra89, likely the battery is loose. You describe the classic symptoms.

Make a small paper shim about 3 or 4 thicknesses and insert it between the battery and the frame on the edge OPPOSITE the contacts to help push the battery firmly onto the contacts. Make another and place it ON TOP OF the battery to help the cover push down on the battery and keep it seated.

Good Luck.

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