Cortana no longer provides directions using Maps


New member
Mar 21, 2017
I use Cortana on Windows Mobile to provide turn by turn voice navigation. I use the 'Hey Cortana' feature. It then says getting me directions to (insert place). It then opens Maps and then says "Here we go" and the directions start.

However, this has stopped working. Instead, when I ask for directions, it says it is getting me directions, but it shows a map in a browser. I can press a button in the browser for directions and it will load maps, but it will not do it automatically anymore.

The last time I used it successfully was Tuesday March 14th. I tried today on the 20th and now it stopped working. The phone updated to version 10.0.14393.953 on Thursday March 16th.

I noticed the problem on the Alcatel Idol 4S. I thought that was the problem, but I switched the sim and SD cards back to my Lumia 1520. Both phones do the exact same thing no matter what location I ask for or how I ask for directions. This makes me think it is related to the phone update, but maybe is broken.

Since this is the main reason I use Cortana, this has made things worthless. I do not want to touch my phone while driving.

Anyone else having this problem? Is there a work around by going to an insider build?
Since it is not working on either phone, I assumed that a reset wouldn't help. Especially since the Alcatel just updated when I got it yesterday. I suppose I can try it, but I am not confident it will work.

A slight update on the issue. If I type into Cortana "directions to ..." then it behaves like it should. The issue seems to be if I use voice. This is both with the 'Hey Cortana' as well as pressing the button and speaking. Doesn't matter if I am using wi-fi or cell, the behavior is the same.
I did a hard reset on the Alcatel Idol 4S. I didn't restore from backup. Cortana's behavior is still broken. It is running the latest version 10.0.14393.953 after reset. I think it installed this automatically as part of the set up process. I am now restoring the phone again and will use my backup. I think that will force it to download the last version after the phone is loaded. I can try to verify that it is a patch issue if I am correct.
So this is very weird. My wife used her 950XL with 14393.953 and it did the same thing as my phones. That is, it will just pull up a webpage and says it is getting you directions but doesn't. You have to press the directions button on the webpage. Just like mine, if you type in, instead of using the voice, it works fine.

The solution I found was to enroll in the insider program. I selected the fast ring it downloaded the latest version. Things work now. It just seems odd that it is just my phones and my wife's phone that is having issues. Neither had an issue until 14393.953.
Ok I can offer that on slow ring 15051 on Lumia Icon I can get directions to a Boston Museum simply by voice asking. But you are on an older version. At minimum if nothing seems to fix the problem I would submit a Feedback with all the details you can gather on which two phones are behaving the same way, versions on each, and the behavior you are stating (it can help to draw it up in Word first and copy paste to the feedback form) so at least you get onto somebody's radar. You don't have to say it here but your location and carrier should also be noted, just in case there are some variations there. I'm not downplaying the frustration at something key to your life not working correctly, but if they don't get informed they may not yet have heard from someone that it's broken.

That said, I am not getting the same behavior - Verizon, Massachusetts and slow ring Lumia Icon
I am on fast release 15063.2 on the Lumia 950. Cortana also simply pulls up Maps when I ask for "directions to work". I have to manually click the Go button. What should the normal behavior be? Should asking Cortana for directions always launch into "Here We Go"?

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