Surface Book / Windows 10 - Why does my 200GB MicroSD card keep disconnecting

The Seller

New member
Apr 26, 2017
I have moved my Google Cloud and MSFT OneDrive to a 200GB SanDisk MicroSD card and multiple times a day I will get a message that my "D Drive" can't be found or is no longer connected. Moving files to this drive and will get message, "can't reach D Drive" and I hit retry and it reconnects. Why so many disconnects?
Could be an issue that the card isn't set properly, or there's an error with the card and it might not be formatted. Did this start happening the moment you started using the card? Have you tried removing it and resetting it?
Thanks Zachary for the reply. My MicroSD card has 69GB of 200GB already on it (Google Drive / MSFT One Drive). I will get a message that "D" Drive not available, or get a message from Google Drive that it can't find my local Google Drive. I repoint it to the D Drive and off it goes, synching. This seems to happen anytime I close my lab top and it hybernates.
I have moved my Google Cloud and MSFT OneDrive to a 200GB SanDisk MicroSD card and multiple times a day I will get a message that my "D Drive" can't be found or is no longer connected. Moving files to this drive and will get message, "can't reach D Drive" and I hit retry and it reconnects. Why so many disconnects?

You have Realtek driver in your Surface Book, yes ?
If yes, uninstall it > reboot > let the system install the generic diver.

The downside of that method is........ Windows Update will reinstall Realtek driver.
Let it.
When it does, go to device manager and roll the driver back to its previous version.

** You can, if you want to, set Windows Update NOT to update drivers. That will stop Realtek getting reinstalled.**

Will that work for you ?
If RealTek is used for speakers, why would that disconnect my MicroSD card? This seems to only happen when I close my Suface Book and reopen. This 'hibernation" seems to stop the MicroSD card. When I re-open my Surface Book, a message about "D" drive not available comes up as well as Google Drive can't find drive to synch to. After my Surface Book fully comes up, my MicroSD card is once again recognized and I can point my Google Drive to it and all is fine.
If RealTek is used for speakers, why would that disconnect my MicroSD card? This seems to only happen when I close my Suface Book and reopen. This 'hibernation" seems to stop the MicroSD card. When I re-open my Surface Book, a message about "D" drive not available comes up as well as Google Drive can't find drive to synch to. After my Surface Book fully comes up, my MicroSD card is once again recognized and I can point my Google Drive to it and all is fine.

Device manager > open Universal Serial Bus Adapters
Is Realtek listed ?
Under USB there are 5 devices, all list Driver Provider as Microsoft. Under Disk Drives there is a driver for Generic - SD Card USB Device and again the provider is Microsoft.

This issue seems to be related to coming in and out of hibernation and the delay in restarting the SD Card. Google Synch comes up before the SD Card is re-established, causing the synch error and error message that the SD Card is not connected.
So I just did a search on SD Card issues when Surface hibernates and found lots of hits. It appears this is a common issue and never resolved by Microsoft.
Okay I'm on my little Stream 8 so forgive typos. Try going to Settings> Devices>USB and turning off the following feature:
Stop devices when my screen is off to help save battery.

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