Lumia 950 battery problem?

per Edlund

New member
May 22, 2017
I have a Lumia 950
Version 1703
Os version 10.0.15063.297
The phone is acting very strange. Sometimes when i type it becomes like this djfvrhehdhdhdheheheheeeehehhehb. The buttons light up like i am touching but i don't.
I get black screen and it shuts down and starts up again.
Sometimes the battery drains in just 5 hours.
I get more problems when listening to podcasts using my Bluetooth headphones.
Now before i plugged in the charger (battery showing 50%) the phone restarted and restarted all over before i got a strange black/green colour on the screen.

I know from work with cars that bad battery can give very strange problems with the cars electronic system. Is it the same with the phone?
And i have tried factory reset without any better results.

So should i buy a new battery?

Sorry for bad English ....
There is something going on with either your display or battery or both. The battery definitely sounds faulty, so that should be the first thing to look into.
There is something going on with either your display or battery or both. The battery definitely sounds faulty, so that should be the first thing to look into.

Thanks for reply.
Yes i have ordered a new battery. I will see i a couple of days if it helps. The phone gets worse and worse...
I want to buy a new pho e but i dont know which to choose, Apple or Android, maybe the new Nokia....
Remember, power issues cause a huge number of seemingly unrelated issues in computers. Same with desktop, same with all form factors. Sounds very much like a battery issue to me. Get a fresh one (genuine) and, assuming that one is good, you'll find your phone works very reliably. I wouldn't get too het up over it, once that battery arrives your problems should evaporate. If only everything in life was so simple.
I'm also experiencing issues, although a bit different. When the battery is at (or close to) 100%, I have no issues. However, when I get into the 80% range or lower, it starts to randomly reboot. I would love to get a new battery, the problem is, I can't find anything reasonable in Canada. I have a temporary replacement Android Nexus 5, but it hurts to use it (it's so slow)!

Any Canadian links to some batteries would be appreciated!
Remember, power issues cause a huge number of seemingly unrelated issues in computers. Same with desktop, same with all form factors. Sounds very much like a battery issue to me. Get a fresh one (genuine) and, assuming that one is good, you'll find your phone works very reliably. I wouldn't get too het up over it, once that battery arrives your problems should evaporate. If only everything in life was so simple.
This sounds good. The site said that it was original so i hope it is that. The delivering time in Sweden is a little slow but i hope it will come today.
I will tell you how it worked.
Yea, best of luck but I expect your issues to go away.
@BPPPete: You describe a typical duff battery situation there, but particularly severe happening at 80%. I can find batteries on sale that ship overseas from the UK but often they are not originals. Originals are available in the UK, but stock is sporadic. I would think Canadians could get something from the US? If not, do you know anyone who lives over the border? Perhaps Canadian expats? If so, there's an approach. If not, try ebay.
Hello everyone. I've changed battery and the phone is much better. It really helped!
I've also bought a new phone. A galaxy s8. I like it but i miss how easy and clean windows is. Its so much ads everywhere and notifications about everything.
I knew that I would miss the dedicated camera button. But it was a big surprise how much i miss it.
Hope MS makes a new great phone....

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