Unable to send text/sms to a number, only existing Phone Contacts


New member
Jul 8, 2013
Hi Everyone! So I have an unlocked, dual sim, purchased from MS store Lumia 950 upgraded to the latest and greatest. No fast ring, slow ring etc. The issue I have is that when I try to text a phone number directly that is not in my Contacts list, the messaging app crashes.

Click on the Text App -> click on the + sign(new message) at the bottom, takes me to a screen asking me to enter who the recipient will be. The curser is in the To: field. I click on the 123 on my phone keyboard to enter phone number. As soon as start entering the number the app crashes. Rebooting the phone does not help. Hard reset does not help.
Do you mean to change the default Messaging App from MS Messaging to Skype messaging? If that is what you meant yes.... changed it... rebooted my device... checked to make sure the setting still said Skype. Went to try to text to a number... same thing....
I don't think this is a hardware issue. Did you try inserting the sim in a different phone to try texting?

You could try the windows devices recovery tool as a last ditch effort, but not 100% sure that it will work
Check your settings in the messaging app and you have to have your data on or Wi-Fi and check all your settings in your message app and then check your phone settings and contacts settings,hopefully you find a solution
Ven07: Moved my phone to a Lumia 810 running 8.1 and it works fine. Could not find another Lumia 950 user.

Nike Popplewell: Thanks, checked my settings. Unless there is something specific you want me to look for, everything seems to be at its default settings.... Factory reset did not resolve the issue.
Hmm,idk,i tell ya what happened to a friend of mine,this is no bs,he hands me his phone,a L640,I'm kinda like the Windows Phone guy at work,ikr,anyway,the freaking messaging app had vanished,I'm talking about the Microsoft installed core messaging app,how in the H does that happen!? We never did figure it out,i hard reset it for him but it had reset protection on it and it's his dads and I don't think they care,anyways some stuff is strange to say the least,sorry I can't help ya
@nick popplewell that is my frustration. I reset my phone with no other apps installed. tried sending a text to a number not in my contact list and it just bounces out of the app. Reset it again after the first reset to double check... same thing...

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