That's actually good. I have a project that's due in November. I have to create a program for virtual company that sells cakes. The system should allow consumers to place orders online.
Now, I'm not a bad programmer, but my partner, she's not really got at programming. So, I'm not really sure which language to use for the project.
I thought of using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/PHP. I'm not sure if it'll be easier if we used these...
You're approaching this issue entirely from the wrong angle.
Since achieving production quality software is unnecessary, and it's first and foremost a learning project, the first question you must ask yourself is what you want to learn! You're asking which development environment to use. That implies your project isn't about learning any particular language or development environment.
So what is it about? Setting up a development pipeline (design, development, testing environments)? Setting up a web server (like NGINX). Learning a web framework (like bootstrap or foundation)? Automated Testing? A specific web technology that is independent of the programming language?
Before you know what you're trying to learn, any answer (use this or use that) is premature.
Your requirements are somewhat vague but sound simple. If "an online store to sell cake" is your only requirement,
and there is no specific learning goal, then you might as well use an online website generator (WIX, JIMDO, Squarespace, etc, in which case you'd require neither AS or VS). You can build such a website with nothing more than a few mouse clicks in an afternoon. While that's certainly the most productive and realistic choice (nobody is going to pay you to make such a simple website with a single requirement from scratch), you won't be learning much about anything beyond the website generator.
Nothing about your requirements suggest JavaScript or PHP are necessary. If they were I'd certainly try to avoid PHP. I'd use Node.js for server side scripting.