Visual Studio or Android Studio

It depends on what devices you want to develop for and what programming language(s) you prefer.

Android Studio is for Android applications and Visual Studio is cross platform for many different devices.

I believe in Android Studio you would use Java and XML (most of the time).

In Visual Studio you have MANY MANY languages to chose from shown in the link below.
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Just coming in here to say Java or Python are usually taught in entry-level CS courses. I would consider C# too. As for those two, depends on what you're targeting. I'd probably go with Android Studio and learning the languages behind them because mobile, but you just gotta start somewhere.
I should clarify what I said. It is easier to get a job programming in PC languages. It's more viable to earn money, coding for enterprise within windows, or writing code for web applications.

You can have one away success coding mobile apps, but generally anything outside of the top ten, get peanuts. That said, java obviously has applications outside of android.

For financial purposes, it makes more sense to go web/pc. Wanting to create the big hitter mobile app, is a little like dreaming of being a rock star. It's very hard to make a living out of.

On the other hand, if you want to just learn coding as a hobby, c++ is a little challenging, whereas css, java, c#, json, php etc are a bit easier.

C# in visual studio could be an interesting route to take. Because it's considered a little easier than c++, yet you can use xamarin to code apps across android, ios, and windows and macOS (allows up to 90% code re-use for native apps across all those platforms).

This way you can use the same basic language to code to multiple platforms and more easily port your code between platforms.

If you went with android, I'd probably learn some web coding too, just to give the java base some more flexibility - fortunately most of that stuff is pretty straight forward.
Thank you... Right now, I honestly want to learn how to code just for me to be good at it. At school, we're taught programming in java. However, I've seen that Microsoft had been improving a lot and I actually find C# more interesting, and I really want to learn more about it.
Thank you... Right now, I honestly want to learn how to code just for me to be good at it. At school, we're taught programming in java. However, I've seen that Microsoft had been improving a lot and I actually find C# more interesting, and I really want to learn more about it.

I actually started out with Java in a CS class a while ago and it was a really fun class. We ended up teaming up in groups to making a game for a final project and that was a great time! We used the Eclipse IDE.

I did end up finding an interest in C# as well and made a few games using the Unity game engine. I think I still have a book on programming in C#.

I haven't touched Java and C# programming in a while since I mainly focus on 3D Modeling and Game/Map Design.
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That's actually good. I have a project that's due in November. I have to create a program for virtual company that sells cakes. The system should allow consumers to place orders online.

Now, I'm not a bad programmer, but my partner, she's not really got at programming. So, I'm not really sure which language to use for the project.

I thought of using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/PHP. I'm not sure if it'll be easier if we used these...
That's actually good. I have a project that's due in November. I have to create a program for virtual company that sells cakes. The system should allow consumers to place orders online.

Now, I'm not a bad programmer, but my partner, she's not really got at programming. So, I'm not really sure which language to use for the project.

I thought of using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/PHP. I'm not sure if it'll be easier if we used these...

You're approaching this issue entirely from the wrong angle.

Since achieving production quality software is unnecessary, and it's first and foremost a learning project, the first question you must ask yourself is what you want to learn! You're asking which development environment to use. That implies your project isn't about learning any particular language or development environment. So what is it about? Setting up a development pipeline (design, development, testing environments)? Setting up a web server (like NGINX). Learning a web framework (like bootstrap or foundation)? Automated Testing? A specific web technology that is independent of the programming language?

Before you know what you're trying to learn, any answer (use this or use that) is premature.

Your requirements are somewhat vague but sound simple. If "an online store to sell cake" is your only requirement, and there is no specific learning goal, then you might as well use an online website generator (WIX, JIMDO, Squarespace, etc, in which case you'd require neither AS or VS). You can build such a website with nothing more than a few mouse clicks in an afternoon. While that's certainly the most productive and realistic choice (nobody is going to pay you to make such a simple website with a single requirement from scratch), you won't be learning much about anything beyond the website generator.

Nothing about your requirements suggest JavaScript or PHP are necessary. If they were I'd certainly try to avoid PHP. I'd use Node.js for server side scripting.
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" I have to create a program for virtual company that sells cakes. The system should allow consumers to place orders online."

I think that's a vaguely clear brief. Create a program, for a company that sells cakes. Must allow consumers to order online (and I would guess allow the company to manually process orders, and maintain inventory).

There are numerous turn-key solutions for the above, but none of those are 'creating a program', they are "having someone else create a program".
I prefer Visual Studio because of the seamless integration of nuget packages, intellisense and lightness on RAM. When you are into code completion, best tool is intellisense
Android Studio is a good IDE, better than Eclipse for Android development. However the gradle build system is a bit complex for a completely new guy.

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