Originally posted by Drael646464
Originally Posted by Vinod Lohar1
Is it hard to develop app for windows phone than android
No, you can write UWP in c sharp, and via xamarin 2.0 write apps for all three platforms re-using up to 90 percent of code for apps across all platforms. Visual studio even gives your virtual device displays of what the app will look like on each platform.
c sharp is no harder than java, in fact they are quite similar languages. It's probably easier to write UWP for csharp than write separate ios and android apps. And if you design your UWP to scale well, you can get it on xbox, HoloLens, hub, tablet/pc as well.
It's partly just that windows phone is only 2% or so userbase, and only about 1/3 of desktop users use UWP yet, and the platform is 2 years old.
UWP is different from android and ios, in that its a universal platform. It's as much a replacement for win32's on the desktop as it is a platform for windows mobile. People take time to adjust, developers and users both, and its a big change from the old windows ways of doing things. For just two years young its doing pretty well.
Another part of the problem is its often perceived as a 'mobile' platform, when its actually not. Its a cross-device platform.
MSFT has some plans to accelerate the adoption of UWP, including windows on arm on tablets, and windows s in education, timeline as well. They also have developed the centennial bridge for win32s to port over, and the islandwood bridge for ios apps to port over. MSFT is doing what they can to encourage people to see the new way, and some of its strategies have yet to be released.
I expect windows on arm, released late this year will have an impact, by giving laptops and tablets mobility functions like a phone.