Restore Windows from USB drive with all data?

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Windows Central Question

Hi. In my sparetime I help elderly people with there computer problems. This one guy, David, has gotten the habit of messing with his PC to the point is has to send to repair at Acer where they just perform a clean install of Windows 8.1. So every time he calls me I have to setup all of his stuff from the beginning, I don't mind as such but I think it's stupid I have to do it all over every 3 month so I was wondering if there is any way to make a image of the computer when I am done setting it up so if the computer gets restored to default by Acer again I can just run the Restore USB and get back to the point where I gave the computer back to David?

Does that make sense and can it be done? I normally use Mac OS so I don't know if Windows got this kind of feature.

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