Does anyone believe Microsoft will create any mobile hardware?

Dan Ramirez

New member
May 29, 2014
I've been holding out on moving to iOS, especially since I honestly prefer Windows Mobile OS...but with no new hardware in the horizon, even my Lumia 950XL will soon look old.
I've been holding out on moving to iOS, especially since I honestly prefer Windows Mobile OS...but with no new hardware in the horizon, even my Lumia 950XL will soon look old.

ur actual decision is ur decision, i would also move to iOS. but as you have seen in the news Microsoft is working hardly to get unique operating system that works at the same time in phone and desktop. so, i think that if this paradigm will have a day with a bright light, that is if many apps will embrace this new paradigm then by then windows phones will be a success.
Go to iOS or Android. If Microsoft truly has yet another plan for mobile hardware, the iPhone 7 will probably be looking a tad old too by the time they have a compelling offering.
Go to iOS or Android. If Microsoft truly has yet another plan for mobile hardware, the iPhone 7 will probably be looking a tad old too by the time they have a compelling offering.

By the time (if) all these supposed rumors become reality it will be in the distant future. I would not wait around for them to happen. Decide what you need for the next couple of years and go with that.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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