My Surface Pro 2 showing its age, power button not working properly.


New member
Sep 30, 2013
Hello, I have been using Surface Pro 2 since 3 years, I got it when I was in my final year of MBBS, recently i got the seat in radiology, as we are using Pdfs of many books now I am using my Surface daily for reading, the power button is not registering properly and my Surface doesn't turn on with one press, I have to consciously press it and hold it.
Some times it doesn't turn, is there any way to fix the problem, I am from India, is there any place for Surface Pro repair.
Thank you in advance.

I want to get the new Surface Pro but I don't have that kind of money right now, I participate in Windows central give away contest but I never won, if anyone have any idea about fixing the power button of Surface Pro 2 help me to get it repaired as I use it extensively for my study.
Unfortunately, the Surface Pro 2 (along with the other Surface devices) are among of the most un-repairable devices.

Attempting a power button repair, or any repair in fact runs a serious risk of breaking something critical.

All I can really think of right now is either going to a professional (I'm not confident you'll find someone who's willing to deal with it), paying a few hundred dollars (USD) to MS for a replacement/refurbished unit or purchase another device.

I strongly recommend going for a device that is easier to repair going forward. Dell, HP, Lenovo business-grade computers are usually designed to be dealt with in the field rather than MS and Apple's less repair-friendly hardware. :(

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