Is it worth buying a surface book now (July 2017)


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Sep 24, 2013
I was considering buying the surface pro 2017 (i5, 8GB RAM) and saw that it would almost cost me $1500 with keyboard and pen on the other hand the surface book would cost me approximately the same with a student discount. My question is, is the surface book a worth contender in 2017? Its tough to make up mind here.

FYI: I recently graduated from college and looking for something swanky
first of all, you have to say what u want to do with it.
every hardware is best suited for some specific needs and requirements. otherwise Microsoft wasn't releasing more than one model of surface book.
regular coding, heavily surfing the web, some light games and MS office. Apart from that I heavily multi task based on what I am doing.
All I want to know if the surface book is still a worthy laptop when compared to the new surface pro 2017. I know I can get all that I need from both devices. Except for a keyboard that can hold the screen

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