HP Stream 8 Issues

Zachary Boddy

Staff member
Aug 3, 2014
Good morning,
I own a HP Stream 8 running Windows 10 (the 32-bit version obviously) on the Fast Ring of the Windows Insider Program. It's currently running Build 16215, and I've been spending the day trying to get it up to date (I've been busy and haven't got the chance). However, I've been experiencing a plethora of issues that have been plaguing me for a while but have gotten substantially worse recently. I am fully aware that my Stream 8 is not and never will be a performance machine, but it's gotten to the point where the tablet is no longer usable. Issues below:

It'll take a full five minutes to get into the tablet in the first place, and once I'm in it's hit and miss whether or not the Start Screen will actually open or if it'll just keep glitching to the last open app over and over again. Once I've solved that issue (I've not been able to reproduce it at will) it's a constant struggle to get any app to open. It took me ten minutes to get the All Apps screen to even work before I gave up and used Cortana (another five minutes) to open the Control Panel, because of yet another issue. My Stream 8 has stopped connecting to the internet. Not only that, it won't show any Wi-Fi networks and in fact there is zero indication whatsoever that the tablet has any capability of connecting to Wi-Fi. There is nothing in Settings and nothing in the Network flyout. The homepage of Settings still shows Wi-Fi in the description, but other than that there is absolutely nothing. I've tried a restart and nothing changed. I was going through the Control Panel but like other apps once it does finally open there is zero responsiveness whatsoever.

There's plenty of other smaller issues. I can sum a lot of it up to the performance of the tablet and the Fast Ring build that it's running, but this culmination makes the tablet unusable and because of the Wi-Fi bug I can't update the tablet. Nor can I roll back. The most I'll be able to do is a factory reset but I won't even bother with all the effort if it won't make a difference. I'm wondering if anyone else here is experiencing similar issues or if someone owns a HP Stream 8 and can verify that these are commonplace.
So I've been running some troubleshooters to try and pinpoint my exact issues, and I think I may have some serious driver problems. Unfortunately, I can't even get the troubleshoots to start properly, so I can't find which driver is causing the issues, and I can't go any further because I can't get the darned thing to connect to the internet. I'm thinking my only option is to start fresh and see if I can rectify the issue that way. I'm running through a list of diagnostics on my device trying to assess where the problem is and if I can fix it myself. I don't think I have any external problems (viruses, malware, etc.) so I think an update may have screwed up a driver or something went wrong with the installation. Whatever it is, I was right, this isn't normal behavior, even for a tablet of this caliber. Something is wrong. If anyone else has any ideas, let me know.

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