How to move from WP/WinMo to Samsung S8+


New member
Oct 26, 2011
So the day has finally come...and it isn't without heavy heart and much hand-wringing. My 950XL introduced itself to a tile floor recently and no longer powers on (can't even access via USB-connection to PC). When I brought it to the MS Store (I have insurance), they offered an S8+ to replace it for the nominal fee of my deductible - there were no other WPs in stock. Anyone with experience in "the forklift move" and willing to share, it would be greatly appreciated. I saw one forum post that recommended Launcher 10 in order to replicate the Tiles experience which will be nice. But I'm so new to this, not even sure where to start. I've been using WP since I gave up on my Palm Pre; my first being the HTC Titan. So if you have any links to share about setting the phone up and using/configuring MS services (Outlook for Work and Personal/OneNote/Groove/OneDrive) and clearing any Google/Samsung-related bloatware, that would be welcome as well. Maybe I'll be on WP again when a Surface Phone is released, but in the meantime, I'll continue to get my news here to keep updated on all Windows-related fun :)
Launcher 10 is nice and easiest to set up, but it's a resource hog. Tends to bog down when right swipe to apps list, and icons only appear a minute later. If it works ok for for your high end device, that will be great. Otherwise, SquareHome 2, Launcher 8 also decent alternatives.

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