W Windows Central Question Aug 28, 2017 #1 LinkedIn stops the LinkedIn app for WindowsPhone because Microsoft is stopped supporting Windows Phone. LinkedIn is a Microsoft company.
LinkedIn stops the LinkedIn app for WindowsPhone because Microsoft is stopped supporting Windows Phone. LinkedIn is a Microsoft company.
Leonel Funes Windows 10 & Xbox Champion Mar 4, 2014 426 0 0 Aug 28, 2017 #2 Yeah, they sent out emails a while ago and there was an article on that a while ago too. LinkedIn sent emails again this morning Upvote 0 Downvote
Yeah, they sent out emails a while ago and there was an article on that a while ago too. LinkedIn sent emails again this morning
fatclue_98 Retired Moderator Apr 1, 2012 9,146 1 38 Sep 1, 2017 #3 LinkedIn is a WP8-era app and needs to be updated. This is starting to happen with more regularity and I'm all for it. Get rid of these apps that have been around since 2012 without any updates to make them work properly with Windows 10. Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk Upvote 0 Downvote
LinkedIn is a WP8-era app and needs to be updated. This is starting to happen with more regularity and I'm all for it. Get rid of these apps that have been around since 2012 without any updates to make them work properly with Windows 10. Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk