software request - for those that are good at solving a root cause of human focus problem


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Jun 8, 2017
software request - for those that are good at solving a root cause of human focus problem

what is the problem?

so i need to remember what the goal is, but there's lots of goals and lots of things to do

what's one possible solution?

* a note-taking software/app that can be made smaller so that it takes up like 1/4 of the screen
* and the other window would be chrome

what's the minimal need/requirement?

the #1 need/requirement is that i need the font to clearly visible

text is clearly visible when it's
* big
* & bold

* and sometimes, when there's many other text, coloured

i've simplified this problem to just this need

of course there should be small white space before the text since the text should be clearly visible

what's a really good positive that is not an absolute need/requirement?

* it's highly highly preferred that there's absolutely nothing else on the screen (meaning that window screen), so the software should be a clean UI

* should use comparatively low memory since i need many of them open on many virtual desktops

the software can be for win10, mac, or linux, i just need a solution


feel free to recommend any

* effective
* & good

solutions to this problem when on the desktop/laptop


what are some viable solutions to subsets of this problem?

* google glass with the good kind of software would fully solve this problem when out in the physical world
* it would also fully solve this problem when on the desktop/laptop



other possible solutions list

* two screens would be excessive for this kind of simple need
* none of the todo/task/etc software seems to be good



* a good recommendation in anything is something a person has tested and used (in like the recent 6 months since things change)

* please do not clutter up the thread if it's not helpful so that others do not have to read through clutter

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