Somone on the forums stated they got glance to work on the 929/930 actually. I have yet to find a way to bypass the limitations set in the Glance screen app to allow it to run on supposedly "non-supported" devices.
If you lost Glance it is probably because Microsoft eventually migrated it away from the Nokia Glance app and into a build in OS feature that they maintain. For some reason that left behind certain devices. I think the 1320, and other x2x devices lost glance screen if updating to certain versions of W10 mobile. If you lost it in WP8 then that is a new one for me... You can get the old glance screen back it just takes a bit of tweaking and know which files and reg setting to add back.
Edit: Also try to sideload the glance app. That might restore it honestly. In windows phone 8 you can side load using certain tools, but you need to developer unlock the phone first.