Lets face it, yea, they said they'll support with 'bug' fixes and security updates, but considering the current state of affairs, they might as well not bother. It's still quite buggy, and the important updates, i.e. from third parties for their apps, they won't be coming at all, and with this announcement, I would guess that it's not long before any major development team doing apps for windows will just get disbanded.
MS and others keep on talking about targeting 'what's next', problem is, no one will care because it won't do basic stuff users would expect a mobile device to do, due to lack of apps and support, and lets face it, AI and VR isn't going to be 'what's next'.
So, by rebooting and abandoning so many times, their strategies are going to force them to be like IBM. I just can't see them offering anything compelling enough to be able to re-enter the mobile market, and capture any sort of meaningful market share whatsoever. Enterprise is stale, and not driving these changes, they're mostly coming from consumers.