What if Bing Rewards was internationl?

Chintan Gohel

Active member
May 23, 2014
The only country that can use Bing Rewards program is USA and I find this quite behind the times when so many services and competitions are now becoming international in scope without borders or restrictions.

My questions is, if Bing Rewards was to spread, what would you like to see from it? What kind of offers, rewards etc. And which 20 countries should it start in?
Two FreeCharge vouchers are available, for 90 and 210 credits.

But the Bing Rewards (India) programme is shutting down on September 30, 2016 anyway.
already? Any link for that? And why?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I have no idea why the programme is shutting down, but it's a bummer. Although, they only had the two vouchers, so I assume there weren't many partners available for Microsoft to work with. Which, honestly, is rather intriguing.
Bing rewards India will be removed after September and bing US reward will change to Microsoft rewards.
Even India is not in a list!

Hope MS will make available in India as soon as possible. [after all i am indian]

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