Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE


New member
Nov 12, 2012
The Blu Win HD LTE features an 8MP rear camera with autofocus, flash, face detection and HDR feature. It is also capable of 1080p video at 30fps. There is a 2MP front camera suitable for some quick selfies and prolonged video chat sessions. Blu has included some firmware tweaks to the camera beyond what the 1st gen Win HD opffered. Users should have no problems turning in some nicely done photos and videos.

Let's see 'em right here!!! Post your pics and vids below...


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​If you want some great advice on how to fine tune your photography skills, check out Muessig's thread: http://forums.windowscentral.com/gu...so-you-want-take-better-pictures-[guide].html

Also visit the Photography Forums for more information and discussion.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

I've only had my BLU Win HD LTE for a few weeks but so far I am extremely unimpressed with the 8MP Camera. It does not take as good pictures as the 5MP camera on my Lumia 635 did. Contrasty and overly bright with bad compression artifacts in things like blue sky fields. Not terrible but a big step down from my previous windows phone.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Don't forget there are other Lenses besides Microsoft Camera. Try some alternates.

On my 1st gen Win HD I got some good pics out of Camera360 Sight. It really can make a difference what App you shoot with. Explore some options rather than relying on stock. By all accounts the camera on LTE is better than 1st gen.My experience was that it just required a bit of experimenting to find what works.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

I'll continue to do some comparisons. Maybe I'll load up my 635 with ProShot and try taking pictures with both phones and A/Bing them.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

ProShot was really overexposed for me on Win HD... Maybe use it in low light?
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Is there a specific camera app that works well with the BLU camera hardware? I only have the default "camera" and Pro Shot installed.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

I really liked Camera360 Sight on 1st gen... My HD LTE is coming tomorrow!!! I'll know more then. ;)

Sight has some great filters and does HDR even. The controls are pretty easy too.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

I "shared these" off my phone to one of my email addresses so the file size is reduced

Here's a pic taken with Microsoft Camera; very overexposed, yes? Washed out in sunlight.


Here's the same scene with Camera360 Sight. A great improvement. Both of these were fully auto.

Here is an indoor pic snapped with Camera360 Sight. I increased the exposure just a touch. I've found that makes a difference in indirect incandescent or florescent lighting. I checked the pic live against the original and the color of the green mounting board is spot on.

People who don't like the camera on this phone, IMHO, are not putting in a bit of time experimenting with it. It's not at its best with the stock Camera App and auto settings, to be sure. Does not mean the camera is hopeless.
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re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Thanks RumoredNow! I still intend to do some more experimenting, but haven't gotten a chance to do it yet! I'll check out Camera360 Sight. It's easy to understand that different camera apps will work better with different hardware. Since the Blu phone is plain vanilla Windows 8.1 I don't know if it has a "custom" camera app specifically made for its hardware like Lumias and some other cameras have.

I've been spoiled by my Lumia 635 that thing had an amazing camera for the price - a huge huge upgrade in optics and picture quality from my previous smart phone despite the same megapixel number. The Blu phone has more megapixels and a flash, I'd love to be able to get the most out of the optics; I'm sure they should be competent.

One thing I've noticed with my pictures is that they seem to have small sizes and lots of JPG blocking artifacts compared to the Lumia phone pictures. Hoping Camera360 Sight allows me to maximize file size and minimize compression.
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re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

OK... So in the (Microsoft) Camera App it helps if you enter settings and force -2 ev for exposure.

Here are a few more pics. I was feeling outdoorsy.

Camera360 Sight... The cows cooling off.

Here's the same scene done with Sketch Camera and the Pencil Sketch filter in real time.

Camera360 Sight... A small mushroom in the grass.

Here is the same picture taken with Camera App forced at -2 ev.

Moar Camera360 Sight.

Vines growing into a tree taken with Camera360 Sight,

The same tree taken with Camera App at -2 ev.

Moar Camera (-2 ev).

Camera App (-2 ev). The crushed rock on the driveway.

A slightly different angle taken with Sketch Camera, Watercolor filter in-line.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Where are all the Win HD LTE people??? C'mon guys and gals, let's see those pictures!!!!!

I've been back on BLU for about a week as I test how much Band 1 adds to the phone. (A lot by the way.) I took a bunch of pics today while I was out in the country and these are some of the results.


Here are the originals from Camera360 Sight for two pics:

What I was really after was some subject matter for post-shot editing in BLACK.

On the birdhouse I used the Tri-X 400 (Kodak) filter.
BLACK_11_10_2015 2_55_53 PM.jpg

On the carpet of leaves I used the Greyscale (Original) filter.
BLACK_11_10_2015 5_29_23 PM.jpg


Here is another original from Camera360 Sight:

I then did a post-shot edit in Sight and applied the Supercell filter.

And another filter, this time Volcano.


Here are some straight out of Camera360 Sight:

A bit of Autumn sky,

A little splash of color,

A mandeville blossom,

And, IMHO, the money shot of the whole afternoon - my mother-in-law's gazing orb.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Where are all the Win HD LTE people??? C'mon guys and gals, let's see those pictures!!!!!

I've been back on BLU for about a week as I test how much Band 1 adds to the phone. (A lot by the way.) I took a bunch of pics today while I was out in the country and these are some of the results.


Here are the originals from Camera360 Sight for two pics:
View attachment 115981View attachment 115982

What I was really after was some subject matter for post-shot editing in BLACK.

On the birdhouse I used the Tri-X 400 (Kodak) filter.
View attachment 115983

On the carpet of leaves I used the Greyscale (Original) filter.
View attachment 115984


Here is another original from Camera360 Sight:
View attachment 115985

I then did a post-shot edit in Sight and applied the Supercell filter.
View attachment 115986

And another filter, this time Volcano.
View attachment 115987


Here are some straight out of Camera360 Sight:

A bit of Autumn sky,
View attachment 115988

A little splash of color,
View attachment 115989

A mandeville blossom,
View attachment 115990

And, IMHO, the money shot of the whole afternoon - my mother-in-law's gazing orb.
View attachment 115991

Those are awesome! The last one is definitely the best!
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Thanks nice pictures! Looks like you're getting much better results than I am. I've found the phone to be overbright, and dialing down the brightness in ProShot has given me the best results so far.
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Here's a quick shot (default camera) I took while walking my dog a couple of days ago. I was early and dark and overcast, so the exposure seems about right. Still playing with some 3rd party camera apps to see what they can do.

WP_20151211_007 (2).jpg
re: Picture & Videos Taken With My BLU Win HD LTE

Here are a few shots from my BLU, mainly of Christmas decorations. All shots taken using the default Microsoft Camera app, with the garden shot being post-processed in Adobe Photoshop Express, due to having a green tint.

Quite impressed with the camera considering it only cost ?50.

AdobePhotoshopExpress_fefcedbebd884e4991ce8c9b7bbc055d.jpgWP_20151214_004.jpgWP_20151214_011 1.jpgWP_20151214_013.jpgWP_20151214_017.jpgWP_20151214_018.jpgWP_20151214_024.jpg


  • WP_20151214_020.jpg
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