Countdown to Windows 10 Mobile


New member
Nov 12, 2012
What do you guys and gals think?

BLU has promised Win 10 Mo to this handset. Their track record is pretty good at delivering OTA. They don't really do any firmware tinkering.

What date do you predict that BLU will start rolling out OTA of Windows 10 Mobile to BLU Win HD LTE?

What are you most looking forward to with your upgrade?
has Microsoft fully confirmed the release date of windows phone 10?

I just want the ability to use the phone better with one hand, going to 5" is quite a change for me and it's a bit hard to use, windows 10 seems to have quite a few nice features for using a bigger phone with a single hand.
The build on Insider that is supposedly considered = RTM was due today. It is delayed a bit so the servers can roll out TH2 to PC and tablet as well as some select Xbox updates...

Don't know if Manufacturers are delayed. I would expect not. ATT goes live with 950 on the 20th and they need to test the Build and approve it.

Good point about the reachability options.

My guess for BLU Win HD LTE... Rollouts starting December 19, 2015. Just a guess. Feels right to me.
I am going to be rather optimistic and say it will come after the new year. Maybe second week of January
Many are talking about how Skype IM and SMS are now integrated. I'm curious to see that. I'm afraid of not being able to mute Skype notifications separate from SMS...

I am looking forward to movable keyboard and a Dpad for the cursor.
According to everything I have read, Microsoft is in control of the updates independent of the phone manufacturer for v10. This is something new, so I would expect that the updates will be pushed out rather quickly after release. MS will update their phones (Lumia) first and then the rest of the manufacturers will be pushed as soon as they are certified.I would expect to see the BLU update really close to the same time as HTC and the others.
According to everything I have read, Microsoft is in control of the updates independent of the phone manufacturer for v10.

My understanding varies. Once the phones REACH 10. Carriers and OEMs are still responsible for upgrading handsets to 10.

I believe that in 10 they have made more functions into Apps (rather than as baked into the OS function), which they may update independently of carrier testing. For Core OS updates the carriers and OEMs still test. The net effect is that most things in the OS are directly updated by Msft once a phone reaches 10.
seeremlive that's rather interesting because MS did say they weren't impressed how most adnroid phones never run he latest version, so to combat this they might update OS themselves. BUT then again with BLU having dual sim support and the rest they would need to customise the OS a little before releasing it.
then again with BLU having dual sim support and the rest they would need to customise the OS a little before releasing it.

Not true, that's all baked into the OS. Blu doesn't customize the phones...Dual SIM support is stock WP.
If that's the case they are only using the stock image, so we should have win10 rather soon :)

Yes, however, I'm expecting Lumia's first (of course) and then the generic hardware phones like Blu to come very soon after...
Yes, however, I'm expecting Lumia's first (of course) and then the generic hardware phones like Blu to come very soon after...

Last December, 2014 when everyone was waiting for 8.1 GDR1 (Denim for Lumias) BLU Win HD 1st gen got the update in mid December ahead of many Lumia Models and those Lumias getting the update were still crawling out by Region. By contrast my Lumia 1520.3 did not get Denim until late April or early May, 2015 if memory serves me right

When 8.1 Update 2 was rolling, I was without a BLU, but my impression is that they got it earlier than most. Certainly it was waiting for me when I unboxed my HD LTE back in August and the first report of the Update 2 OTA was made here on the forum May 15, 2015.

So BLU Win HD LTE got Update 2 just days after my flagship Lumia 1520 got Denim.

Microsoft does not do the OTA for BLU. They hand the RTM to BLU and BLU pushes it after testing. BLU might be testing right now. 10586 is delayed for OTA to Insiders, but I bet Carriers and OEMs have it.

I expect only a few Factory Unlocked Lumia models in some Regions will get the OTA before we see it.

I stand by my original guess:
My guess for BLU Win HD LTE... Rollouts starting December 19, 2015. Just a guess. Feels right to me.
I don't think BLU wants to spend a whole lot of time modifying the OS. THat costs money and there is very little margin in phones already.. I look at it as why spend money modifying something that is already good. There is no point to that. Samsung is starting to learn this lesson in the Android market. They spend vast amounts of money in skinning and adding to Android rather than leaving it stock and putting in a few apps of their own. Save the money on the OS modification each release and take it as profit, or put it back into R&D for the next generation devices.
Well it seems that Lumia 950/XL will be shipping with the Build 10586 which is out for the insiders.

So maybe next week we might get the WP10 update?
Well it seems that Lumia 950/XL will be shipping with the Build 10586 which is out for the insiders.

So maybe next week we might get the WP10 update?

AT&T branded Lumia 950s unboxed with 10586.0. When checking for updates, an OTA gives them 10586.11 which matches the build # of the last Insider. Looks like we have an RTM delivered already.
I'm getting my HD LTE today and I'm going straight to the Insider. To answer one of your earlier posts, the integrated Skype/Messaging is a notification nightmare unless you mute the Skype app. Yeah, you get both. The WC Mod chat blew up my 925 Guinea Pig earlier today.
what means by going to insider strait away?
can we still do it on new phone? I thought it was bug and we can't do it anymore.
if yes then show me link how to do it.

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