Pictures / Videos Taken With Your Blu Win HD


New member
Nov 12, 2012
The Blu Win HD features an 8MP rear camera with autofocus, flash, face detection and HDR feature. It is also capable of 1080p video at 30fps. There is a 2MP front camera suitable for some quick selfies and prolonged video chat sessions. Blu has included some decent camera modules in the Win HD when you compare it to other models in its price range. Users should have no problems turning in some nicely done photos and videos.

Let's see 'em right here!!! Post your pics and vids below...


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​If you want some great advice on how to fine tune your photography skills, check out Muessig's thread:[guide].html

Also visit the Photography Forums for more information and discussion.
Camera is actually terrible on it
-Sent from my Blu Win HD

I'm still updating mine, but will post some samples when I get settled in.

It's a traditional thread we have around here. Do you have any examples you can share?
So I've had this phone less than 24 hours and managed a Pic I liked so well I put it in the Photo Contest.

It was. I wouldn't fib about it. I will say it was processed.

I used Camera360 Sight to take the pic
Autocorrect inside Photo App
Opened in Sight and applied the Eventide filter
On my PC I opened it with Office 2010 Picture Manager and hit Autocorrect again
Reduced size with Picture Manager for this forum

The shot was taken today, March 4, 2015. Overcast sky and light snow. A very gray day.
Here are a couple of pics using (Microsoft) Camera App. Early morning, one in shade and one in partial shade. I think they look pretty decent. The only edit was to reduce file size.


Here is another taken with ProShot App in bright sunlight. It's all washed out. I think manual exposure might be appropriate in full light situations. Again, the only manipulation of this shot was to reduce file size.

I'm really not expecting problems with the camera... It's not gonna blow you away, OK. We should all understand what this phone is, a Dual SIM budget phone, and keep our expectations in-line with that. The screen is very nice and it has 1GB RAM, they must have trimmed cost somewhere. For casual shots viewed on a phone sized screen they are acceptable. It's when you look at them closer that a graininess comes through.

Proshot is really overexposing pics in the great outdoors. Here is another ProShot effort:
Very washed out like the ProShot sample in the above post... I'll have to try it indoors. As much as I LOVE ProShot on my 1520, I may have to uninstall it off the Win HD.

The same scene looks much better and very similar with Camer360 Sight (top) or Microsoft Camera (bottom) so it isn't the camera module doing this - it is the lens:

Note that these 3 files are arranged largest to smallest. The same scene, taken back to back. ProShot needed 2.90MB, Camera360 Sight used 2.42MB and Microsoft Camera took up 1.79MB...

All of the above pics are at 100% original file size if you want to open them in a new browser tab to get a better look. They are all grainy when viewed at 100% image size. The Camera360 Sight was the least problematic of the 3 when zoomed in. I'm starting to favor Sight for my go to lens on the Blu Win HD.

Here are a few more taken with Microsoft Camera. This first one tests the flash indoors.

These are of my case at an antique mall so you get different light conditions without flash as I scan through the shelves:
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You know.. I'm really actually kind of impressed with most of the shots in this thread.
Sure they're not great or anything, but they're pretty darn nice for a $150 smartphone.
You know.. I'm really actually kind of impressed with most of the shots in this thread.
Sure they're not great or anything, but they're pretty darn nice for a $150 smartphone.

Thanks... And that is the point. Accepting what it is and working with it. I appreciate the kind words.

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