How about an article on AT&T?


New member
Jul 30, 2011
I noticed in the past that WPC does a really good job of spotlighting not only all great things Windows Phone, but they're good (and honest) about pointing out the flaws in a lot of things as well. Any chance you guys could be convinced to do a little reporting on why the Microsoft-favorite carrier in the United States is not only doing a poor job of supporting their customers, but ignoring the customers' repeated requests for information.

Any chance you guys could help the fan base out a little?
Yes! And how about pointing out the absolute absurdity of claiming to "test" an OS on one handset while simultaneously shipping it on others?
How about telling like it is WPC, let others know what to expect if the become a AT&T subscriber locked in a 2 year contract with a Windows Phone.
Wasn't there a lot of talk from MS that, with WP8 and OTA updates, carrier blocks would be a thing of the past. AT&T was famous in the win mobile days for delaying updates until devices were deemed EOL and then directing customers to new hardware if they wanted an OS upgrade.

On WP7, we were told that carriers would be allowed to skip only one update and be forced to release the next one if they did skip. That did work out very well when AT&T EOLed my phone before it was out of warrenty.
Carrier EOL should have ZERO bearing on phones that are still active out in the wild. If car makers simply stopped servicing cars when a new model came out there would be congressional hearings over it.
Carrier EOL should have ZERO bearing on phones that are still active out in the wild. If car makers simply stopped servicing cars when a new model came out there would be congressional hearings over it.

10 years is all that's required of car companies to service or furnish replacement parts. My wife's Saturn has 5 years left and my Olds is toast. I agree on your EOL statement but I'd take it a step further. If a phone is free of subsidies, the carrier should have no say in the matter whether it's on contract or not. This is my main gripe about OTA updates. They should be downloadable from the MFG's website like the old days.

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