Fox News in Cortana news results? (How to remove?)

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Apr 1, 2012
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I can't deal with flat out lying and that is 99 percent of what you get on foxnews and I won't have it on my phone from Cortana. I'll stand with Quek9's post. I'll switch OS's if MS decides to keep Cortana/Foxnews partnership going. I'm dead serious. I'll encourage my wife and daughter to go to android or IOS if they want Just not here.

Ditto. I am pretty sure MS will change this. For their sake, I hope they do.

Long Syntax

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Jul 3, 2012
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I love all these "I will not accept seeing Fox News" comments. For many years I had endured MSNBC's relationship with Microsoft and their constant bias, but it never occurred to me to boycott MS based on the bias of MSNBC.

Intolerant much?


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Nov 17, 2013
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I love all these "I will not accept seeing Fox News" comments. For many years I had endured MSNBC's relationship with Microsoft and their constant bias, but it never occurred to me to boycott MS based on the bias of MSNBC.

Intolerant much?

This. Liberal logic 101 - If the set of beliefs aligns with theirs then go ahead and indoctrinate us all. As soon as the beliefs do not agree 100% with them everything is seen as indoctrinating and should be banned from every aspect of life.


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Jun 18, 2013
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I have to say if the mere presence of news stories (really, just a few words of a headline unless you choose to open them) from a source one disagrees with politically is enough to get them to switch to a different platform then they really need to find something better to spend their time worrying about. If someone doesn't like news stories from Fox then don't read them. If you don't like MSNBC because it's liberal then don't read those stories. People crying about those news sources even being included in Cortana are so far out on the fringe I'd laugh at them if I were in charge of picking where Cortana gets the news from.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I can't deal with flat out lying and that is 99 percent of what you get on foxnews and I won't have it on my phone from Cortana. I'll stand with Quek9's post. I'll switch OS's if MS decides to keep Cortana/Foxnews partnership going. I'm dead serious. I'll encourage my wife and daughter to go to android or IOS if they want Just not here.

I do think we should be able to edit our news sources.

Though I think the stance that people have with Fox News is pretty crazy, intolerant, and closed minded. These kind of people tend to be paranoid and see things that aren't there.

Sure, Fox News has some talking heads that heavily lean to the right. Just like most other networks have talking heads that lean to the left. Or in the case of MSNBC... HEAVILY to the left. But most of the news is just news. There might be a slant to it from a person's perspective, but that's present in all of the news services.

Some people are just incapable of handling views that are not completely in line with their own. That's a shame.


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Jun 20, 2011
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I do think we should be able to edit our news sources.

Though I think the stance that people have with Fox News is pretty crazy, intolerant, and closed minded. These kind of people tend to be paranoid and see things that aren't there.

Sure, Fox News has some talking heads that heavily lean to the right. Just like most other networks have talking heads that lean to the left. Or in the case of MSNBC... HEAVILY to the left. But most of the news is just news. There might be a slant to it from a person's perspective, but that's present in all of the news services.

Some people are just incapable of handling views that are not completely in line with their own. That's a shame.

You could think that if you like but speaking from a guy that voted for Bush twice, I watched how that news source changed from doing news to creating news. All those graphics from the Iraq war that were faked, yellow cake uranium, images of truck yards from the Sims game, terror warning graphics that were flat made up, photoshopped explosions, local news stories in the paper showing crowds that didn't exist, all for public consumption as "news". Stories of how America would be seen as "liberators", that waterboarding is a fraternity prank and all the actionable intel that came as a result, all lies man. Even as recent at ACA. When it was announced 7 million had signed up, they put on a bar graph showing the 7 million as being shorter that the 6 million the WH projected. Flat out lies. I could go on but its your news of choice and I'm not trying to disrespect you. Getting a story wrong is one thing. MSNBC, CNN and the rest, can and will get it wrong. Some will even attempt to show some things in a different light and sometimes will lie out of convenience. But its not like what foxnews does. Its a bit more than a difference of opinion with that bunch. Its flat out falsehoods. I don't want them on my phone and if MS won't offer a choice to remove them, I'm out of the WP game. Its that serious to me. BTW, MSNBC has Morning Joe. That dude ain't far left.


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Dec 30, 2010
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You could think that if you like but speaking from a guy that voted for Bush twice, I watched how that news source changed from doing news to creating news. All those graphics from the Iraq war that were faked, yellow cake uranium, images of truck yards from the Sims game, terror warning graphics that were flat made up, photoshopped explosions, local news stories in the paper showing crowds that didn't exist, all for public consumption as "news". Stories of how America would be seen as "liberators", that waterboarding is a fraternity prank and all the actionable intel that came as a result, all lies man. Even as recent at ACA. When it was announced 7 million had signed up, they put on a bar graph showing the 7 million as being shorter that the 6 million the WH projected. Flat out lies. I could go on but its your news of choice and I'm not trying to disrespect you. Getting a story wrong is one thing. MSNBC, CNN and the rest, can and will get it wrong. Some will even attempt to show some things in a different light and sometimes will lie out of convenience. But its not like what foxnews does. Its a bit more than a difference of opinion with that bunch. Its flat out falsehoods. I don't want them on my phone and if MS won't offer a choice to remove them, I'm out of the WP game. Its that serious to me. BTW, MSNBC has Morning Joe. That dude ain't far left.

I haven't noticed any of that stuff. Maybe you're reading stuff into it.

Though I will readily admit that they come at things from a very right-wing perspective. Whenever I read news from them I keep this in mind. I think, "If someone who believes X were to write this news, how would he report it?" Then I go to a different news service where someone who believes Y is reporting on the same story. At least that way I can get a decent perspective.

I don't see Fox as these big liars. I see them as biased to the right. I also see that their reporters are more inclined to believe stories that support their world view.

But I see the exact same things on CBS, MSNBC, and CNN. I've seen reporters that spread falsehoods.

The thing is, if you are only willing to get news from one perspective, then you're world view is going to be skewed because news is reported from the reporter's perspective.


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Jun 20, 2011
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I haven't noticed any of that stuff. Maybe you're reading stuff into it.

Though I will readily admit that they come at things from a very right-wing perspective. Whenever I read news from them I keep this in mind. I think, "If someone who believes X were to write this news, how would he report it?" Then I go to a different news service where someone who believes Y is reporting on the same story. At least that way I can get a decent perspective.

I don't see Fox as these big liars. I see them as biased to the right. I also see that their reporters are more inclined to believe stories that support their world view.

But I see the exact same things on CBS, MSNBC, and CNN. I've seen reporters that spread falsehoods.

The thing is, if you are only willing to get news from one perspective, then you're world view is going to be skewed because news is reported from the reporter's perspective.

I used to be surprised when people say they don't see the blatant falsehoods on foxnews but not anymore. There are a lot of opinions and one set of facts.

But maybe you're right about perception. One might assume that when that radio host would repeat in a tag line, " could leave your child with me in a Motel 6 overnight" that that host is some sort of pedophile. I wouldn't leave my child with a stranger in the media period but that's my perception of the suggestion. You might think otherwise but then, those are your kids. lol. But show me some blatant falsehood to this stuff I posted from an MSNBC host below. Maybe you have a point about "perception" I'm unaware I have.

"Fox News host of “The Five,” Eric Bolling, Wednesday said, “we were certainly safe between 2000 and 2008 — I don’t remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during that period of time.”

"In November of 2009, former Bush White House staffer Dana Perino said “we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term.”

Mary Matalin, former counselor to Vice President Cheney, claimed in December 2009 that President Bush “inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation’s history.”

In January of last year, Rudy Giuliani — who was the mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks – told Good Morning America that “We had no domestic attacks under Bush.”


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Jan 7, 2013
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Can I trade you guys Cortanas, all I get is CNN, USA today, new York times and other only left sources :/ (honestly I don't care too much but it's be nice to see news max out even the blaze in there somewhere)


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Sep 8, 2013
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People that say "Faux" News remind me of the people stuck in 2003 that refer to Microsoft as M$. I find both groups silly. I'm not sure why people would be so against hearing views that conflict with theirs. That's how you learn lol.

I assume that the ability will come in a future update to Cortana. My wish is that it would somehow sync up with your Bing News app and grab those sources. Now THAT would be cool.

CJ Thunder

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Feb 16, 2011
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This is too funny. The bickering in this post is an onion article of it's own. People are different, get over it. Options are better than none. The op just blatantly put his opinion in the post to cause trouble, which is my opinion. Could have just said how do I select my own news sources. Anyway...

America! America! Blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaa!

PS how long was the missing plane on CNN msnbc fox compared to you know the still on going issues in Eastern Europe? Get your news on twitter, bias is easily identifiable in 140 characters.


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Dec 30, 2010
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I used to be surprised when people say they don't see the blatant falsehoods on foxnews but not anymore. There are a lot of opinions and one set of facts.

But maybe you're right about perception. One might assume that when that radio host would repeat in a tag line, " could leave your child with me in a Motel 6 overnight" that that host is some sort of pedophile. I wouldn't leave my child with a stranger in the media period but that's my perception of the suggestion. You might think otherwise but then, those are your kids. lol. But show me some blatant falsehood to this stuff I posted from an MSNBC host below. Maybe you have a point about "perception" I'm unaware I have.

"Fox News host of ?The Five,? Eric Bolling, Wednesday said, ?we were certainly safe between 2000 and 2008 ? I don?t remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during that period of time.?

"In November of 2009, former Bush White House staffer Dana Perino said ?we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush?s term.?

Mary Matalin, former counselor to Vice President Cheney, claimed in December 2009 that President Bush ?inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation?s history.?

In January of last year, Rudy Giuliani ? who was the mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attacks ? told Good Morning America that ?We had no domestic attacks under Bush.?

Aren't all those from pundits, not news?


Apr 1, 2012
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I haven't noticed any of that stuff. Maybe you're reading stuff into it.

Though I will readily admit that they come at things from a very right-wing perspective. Whenever I read news from them I keep this in mind. I think, "If someone who believes X were to write this news, how would he report it?" Then I go to a different news service where someone who believes Y is reporting on the same story. At least that way I can get a decent perspective.

I don't see Fox as these big liars. I see them as biased to the right. I also see that their reporters are more inclined to believe stories that support their world view.

But I see the exact same things on CBS, MSNBC, and CNN. I've seen reporters that spread falsehoods.

The thing is, if you are only willing to get news from one perspective, then you're world view is going to be skewed because news is reported from the reporter's perspective.

So you didn't notice?

I guess that explains this.

STUDY: Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider
Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed | Poynter.
Poll: Fox News Viewers Less Informed Than Those Who Read No News
Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests - Forbes
Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the "most consistently misinformed media viewers" | PolitiFact

Fox news watchers are consistently uninformed and willfully ignorant to a lot. I guess if you are ok with ignoring their transgressions you can keep them as your source. Those of us who want truth in their news and pundits that make logical arguments based in facts will switch at the first opportunity.


Apr 1, 2012
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Aren't all those from pundits, not news?

You are skirting the truth in typical fox news fashion. Of course they are pundits who work for fox, who are representative of the fox aka faux network. However, that ACA graphic was part of a regular news spot if I recall correctly.

The bottom line is all networks blur the line between opinionated and news coverage but unlike other news agency, fox outright lie or twists truths with a sprinkle of truth for good measure. After all, all good lies have a hint of truth to them, that is the fair and balanced way, lol.

Based on surveys, fox news watchers are the least informed among us, one should wonder do the fox news watcher know the difference between the pundit driven drivel and the modified slanted news?


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Dec 30, 2010
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With no examples, I'll rest my case.

What case? That you can find pundits that you claim to be news?

The truth is that I don't have enough desire or energy to search for instances at other news agencies because I'm not the one that's so worked up about it.

If you want to live in a bubble where the is one evil news agency and the rest are golden go on right ahead.


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Dec 30, 2010
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You are skirting the truth in typical fox news fashion. Of course they are pundits who work for fox, who are representative of the fox aka faux network. However, that ACA graphic was part of a regular news spot if I recall correctly.

The bottom line is all networks blur the line between opinionated and news coverage but unlike other news agency, fox outright lie or twists truths with a sprinkle of truth for good measure. After all, all good lies have a hint of truth to them, that is the fair and balanced way, lol.

Based on surveys, fox news watchers are the least informed among us, one should wonder do the fox news watcher know the difference between the pundit driven drivel and the modified slanted news?

LOL. Sure.


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Dec 27, 2012
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Lol, the LA Fitness I used to work out at had TVs with nothing but MSNBC on in front of all the treadmills. Got me back into running outside, so thanks Al Sharpton! ;P
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