A08 BIOS update

well if the alleged touch screen fix is in A08 it certainly is worth it. after all they did jump 3 numbers ahead (last one as A05) so maybe there's more stuff hidden besides the changelog. I've installed it and played with it for an hour. no instability so far. can't confirm touch screen yet until I use it more.
I always had an issue coming from sleep and typing in my pin where the first touch would repeat the number and count as a bad attempt, that seems to be fixed.

That aside there was quite a jump, though not sure what else to look for. uu
I think it did help the touch issue -

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.

No repeats... or else I'm just getting better at on screen typing 😊
The combination of the A08 BIOS and the latest Wi-Fi drivers fixed the Wi-Fi problem I had. The DV8 would act like it was reconnecting to my access point but it would show as limited until I disconnected and reconnected. Now it stays connected through sleeps.

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