Weather To-Go free for a Week!

Sabre Wulf

New member
Jun 13, 2013
Hi Folks,

I have made my weather app, "Weather To-Go", free in the Store for 1 week or so :grin:. It has gained mainly 4 and above stars in most Markets since I released it in August 2012. Search in the Store for "Weather To-Go", or in other languages your common name for 'weather' followed by "To-Go". This is the link:

Weather To-Go | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

I hope you'll enjoy it, and if so, please rate and review it; there is a link to do this easily from the about page, and you can also e-mail me with feedback from there too, if you like.

Note: when the app is changed again to a paid-for app, you will still own the license to it if you downloaded it when it was free. This means, you will not pay for it again, even if resetting your phone, or getting a new phone, and so on. You must, however, continue to use the same Microsoft Account. This is not specific to my app; this is how the Store operates.

I'm sure you'll agree it is not short on features and settings. Please, if you find a problem or do not understand something, do not use the review system to report it. I have no means to reply or help you that way. Just e-mail me; chances are I can help, and will always reply promptly.

Thanks for supporting our platform by developing a new app. This is awesome you're having a special offer making it free for a week. I'll check it out.
This is a great weather app. It even gets the name of my apartment complex right! I haven't found any other weather app that is as accurate in terms of location. 😊

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
I have purchased this app and it's my favorite for weather. Its appearance and features are the best. And Dean will respond quickly with helpful information.
He listens and responds to suggestions.
I am happy to have paid but free is a great deal too.

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