[9/20] The definitive WP File Manager - Pocket Explorer


New member
Oct 18, 2013
Hi WPCentral! I've made an app that hopefully is useful to you all!

Pocket Explorer | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Pocket Explorer is shaping up to be the definitive file manager for Windows Phone 8.1!
Release Candidate 3 brings in-app photo viewer, even smoother and faster folder loading, smarter Cloud browsing, and improved navigation. This on top of dozens of other improvements. If you haven't tried the app recently, I definitely recommend you do so - you will not regret your 2MB download :)


Why use Pocket Explorer over Microsoft Files?

We add several features while maintaining the speed and intuitive UI that everyone loves:
* Zip compression and extraction, to help share files
* Integration and interconnection with OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive, with even more to come
* Smart search for offline and online files
* Live tiles to track your storage usage at a glance
* Smart folder and file pinning
* 3 view models: details, tiles, and thumbnails
* Folder shortcuts on the home screen
* Easily access recently opened files through the recent files page
* Load up detailed file and folder properties, including MP3 and Document information
* Customize your background with any photo you'd like
* Option for higher resolution thumbnails that are not used in Files
* In-app media viewer for easier photo browsing
* Save files from other apps through the share menu
* Smart copy-and-paste to easily move files from different folders to a single target
* Upload and download files from one cloud service to the others, or save it offline to your own phone

Why use Pocket Explorer over other 3rd Party apps?

* Our goal is to make Pocket Explorer feel like a native app! (More like People, less like Xbox Music)
* We are fast, stable, easy-to-use, and pretty!
* We have a boatload of features!
* We aim to follow Windows Phone design guidelines!
* We update regularly, bringing you value every week
* We are engaged with the Windows Phone community, and listen to feedback!

Can I see what the app looks like first?

Here is a current imgur album
Pocket Explorer - Release Candidate 3 - Imgur
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Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

Thanks for supporting and developing apps for windows phone. Good luck for your future apps :smile:
Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

The app is really worth of purchase, it is better than other similar apps.

EDIT: If you need help with translation to Spanish, I can help.
Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

The first time I ran it it said some folders with lots of files in them were empty. It seems ok now.

I noticed that it always lists folder sizes as 0 bytes. It would be better to say "unknown".

A useful feature for me would be if I could zip folders.

For now I'll give it 4 stars and purchase.
Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

Oh, please can you add support for opening custom file types, so I can save unknown files to my phone from emails? Thanks
Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

Also they should implement actions on files and folders also among phone, sd cards and OneDrive
Re: A full File Explorer for WP 8.1 released

One Drive support will be put into the app as soon as I finish the core features. I've already coded some things in preparation for it.
SD Card and Phone actions should already be fully working!

I've just submitted an update that made the UI smoother and lighter - please do let me know how it works!
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Can you tell is what features are on the roadmap?
Saving any file from email maybe? :) Zipping files? :)

There's a folder on the root of my phone storage which I'd like to keep there and access from this app. Currently I haven't seen how to add the location. Is there a way?

Sent from my RM-875_eu_euro1_211 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Oh it can't move folders yet. This should be priority #1.
I made use of this app this evening in a work scenario. I needed to send someone a file they'd overlooked, and I had it on my phone's memory. I'm fairly sure business use will be your primary market for this app.

Sent from my RM-875_eu_euro1_211 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

I don't think the app is allowed by the system to access the system's root. But if it's possible I can definitely add that!
In the short run I'm looking to implementing the moving and copying of folders (I have to write that code myself since WP8.1 does not include code for that), a grid view for thumbnails, and OneDrive integration.
Currently priority #1 is tracking down the odd crashes that some people get. Without any information about the crash it's really difficult, however.
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

I don't think the app is allowed by the system to access the system's root. But if it's possible I can definitely add that!

There is no way that an app can access system files, it is the same than Windows RT/Windows 8.1 apps.
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

I think he means the folder before Pictures, Downloads, etc. The root of the Users folder. Which might be possible, though I'm not sure on its use
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

I think he means the folder before Pictures, Downloads, etc. The root of the Users folder. Which might be possible, though I'm not sure on its use

I guess file picker is the way how they are getting permissions, all file manager apps are using the file picker for adding the folders.

If true, that's mean there are no other ways for access user folders.

Sent from my Lumia 920 with WP8.1 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Fantastic update today! Thanks

Sent from my RM-875_eu_euro1_211 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Today's update should have fixed all problems with giant folders, and includes thumbnail views as well as the copying and moving of entire folders at once.

Please do let me know if something is still wonky!
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Seems perfect. It's much better than desktop Windows for moving large folders on the phone. Really well done :)

Sent from my RM-875_eu_euro1_211 using Tapatalk
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

Thank you! :) this week should be another great update! Got most of the searching and filtering code down. Also, reworking the copy/paste system to be clipboard-based, to allow for easier batch moving and copying to OneDrive later ;)
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

All those are done! And OneDrive support as well :) not 100% sure if OneDrive will work for everyone but lets try!
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

did today's update broke this app for anyone else?
it closes before even starting
Re: Pocket Explorer - Beautiful, Full, File Explorer for WP 8.1

did today's update broke this app for anyone else?
it closes before even starting

Same here, tried re-installing, but to no avail.

EDIT: Feature Request (If Possible): Access to Bluetooth Save Folder?
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