Cortana integration with Edge browser on W10M as well


New member
Jan 31, 2015
on pc cortana integration with edge is really useful(auto scanning the content of the page and shows relevant information about it on the side-bar and ask cortana feature etc) It will be really useful if it is available on w10m as well. I am not sure if it is already available on w10m or not(As i haven't tried w10m yet). If this feature is not added yet I think they should do it in the future build.
It should work like this:

● while watching a movie trailer or reading about a hotel or something like that just press the search button and cortana should open and bring up details about it like rating, booking, phone number,direction etc with deep links just like on pc without leaving the browser page.
● similarly selecting any word on a page and then pressing search button should bring the details about it via cortana.

I don't think its too hard to do. As we know android has similar feature already and now bing brings same feature on android called snapshots. So i think windows 10 mobile should have this handy feature as well.

Vote Here if you want this feature.

Update: I just found that this works with word files on wp8.1. select any word on a word file then press the cortana search button and she will search the word in bing straightaway. cool. But it doesn't work on other text fields though(text on pdf,onenote,webpage etc).
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