Extension support too late?


New member
Oct 20, 2015
Do you guys think extension support for MS Edge is coming too late? Recently it was pushed back to sometime in 2016. I somehow feel like the only chance to win people over from Chrome and Fire Fox that rely heavily on extensions would have been on launch...
Do you guys think extension support for MS Edge is coming too late? Recently it was pushed back to sometime in 2016. I somehow feel like the only chance to win people over from Chrome and Fire Fox that rely heavily on extensions would have been on launch...

Might be, but I think once we have extension support, people will come back to at least take a look, so the team better get it right, from the very beginning. I was one of those many disappointed people when I heard that it was being pushed back to a later date, but life goes on lol

Edge usage is probably low at this point, but can you blame the people? I think a lot of users that love extensions/ add-ons will have migrated back to their original browsers. I love edge, but im using chrome, because for some reason I can't live without extensions (I probably could). When extension support does arrive, and if implemented correctly, I'll be adopting Edge full time again.

Until then, as much as it pains me to say, alas we must walk separate paths
Do you guys think extension support for MS Edge is coming too late? Recently it was pushed back to sometime in 2016. I somehow feel like the only chance to win people over from Chrome and Fire Fox that rely heavily on extensions would have been on launch...

Absolutely! Edge should have never been released without it. A modern browser without extension support is next to worthless -- at least in my opinion.

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