Edge Browser - How to bad on Windows 10 but so good on W10M?

Adam Chapman1

New member
Oct 28, 2015
I'm just wondering how Microsoft could have made MS Edge on Windows 10 so horrendously bad and un-user friendly, but then at the same time, make a spot on, incredible browser on my Lumia 950 XL? It feels like an entirely different browser. In my opinion, Edge on the PC is definitely not a great representation of one of the only available browsers on W10M.

Insanity since presumably it's a UWP that they went with the UI that they did on the PC version..
I only use non-mobile Edge on my HP7 stream - navigation and UI is terrible compared what we had with 8.1 (it's even slower than my Surface RT for browsing). Any time I click on a link it will open in a new tab (good), but then that tab will stay blank and not load (bad). Once I go to another tab I'll see the new tab start loading. Additionally - the page refresh every time I go back to a tab that I left open say...from the day prior... is re-damndiculous.

Lastly, on my L925 running W10M, and on that tablet there are too many sites that just don't work properly. The mobile southwest.com site simply won't load (but the desktop will) as will some other sites that I have to log in to use. I end up using my wife's L920 running 8.1 and everything runs flawlessly.
It sometimes loads blank pages and doesnt show page load status..no waiting dots while loading.. No way to know if a page is loading!

@UI i like it...clean &minimalist. Opens up faster than chrome but poor browsing experience.

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