General zoom in mobile option?


New member
Jan 9, 2016
Hey! there is an option were I can change the initial zoom of all the pages? Changing text size do nothing (in 8.1 it works that way if I recall correctly). Whit my device (blu win HD LTE) and dpi in 175 all the pages looks very tiny. The only way a can changeis setting the dpi up to 200% but I loose 4 app switching and 4 rows of tiles in start! There's a way to set the zoom w/o change the dpi??? Thx and sorry for my English
There are some following options you are asking for:
-Settings->System->Display->Size of text,apps & items on display( which has only two options, usually) -> choose Recommended Size otherwise you'll go with the smaller text by which you got 5 notification icons, smaller icon and its text etc.

-If you want to change the Whatsapp ,lockscreen text size. GO to Settings->Ease of Access->More OPtions-> Text Scaling.

- Personalisation->Start->More Tiles.
There are some following options you are asking for:
-Settings->System->Display->Size of text,apps & items on display( which has only two options, usually) -> choose Recommended Size otherwise you'll go with the smaller text by which you got 5 notification icons, smaller icon and its text etc.

-If you want to change the Whatsapp ,lockscreen text size. GO to Settings->Ease of Access->More OPtions-> Text Scaling.

- Personalisation->Start->More Tiles.

Thx for the reply! In my device I have in display size from 110% to 225% the recommended is 150% but is too small so I set to 175% if I change to 200 I loose the 4 row option for the start, and multiple app switching (4 mini view) That option is the only I've found that controls the zoom from edge. There's a way to keep it at 175% and zoom the edge browser? Thx !!!
I have the same issue on my Lumia 950xl.. No matter how much I zoom still small. I have tried the options under ease of access as well. Additionally, when browsing pinch and zoom doesn't work, it just doesn't do anything ! I hate edge browser but no other browser is better ..tried every free one from the store.any advice? TIA
Uc browser doesn't work so well in w10m as used to be in 8.1. I hope the fix the zoom. It's always been that way in w10m??

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