Pins in edge


New member
May 15, 2013
When I saw how you could pin a website in Edge, I was absolutely thrilled. It worked for an entire session, but as soon as I closed edge, the pins were gone. Undaunted, I pinned them again, I really want this to work!! But sadly...

I haven't seen this as a known problem. Am I the only one? Is there a cure?

Also, I have really enjoyed using Edge with the ad blocker. I think it is fast and very clear. I think MS did a fine job...but I would love to have pins
do you mean pin to start screen or within the browser? If within the browser, there should be options in settings on what should open when going to a new tab
Thank you so much for your response. Terminology is not my strong point!! When you open edge and are browsing there are tabs across the top of the screen. If you left click on those tabs you get a menu. One of those is "PIN". When you pin something, the website is supposed (as I understand) to always be over to the left waiting for you to click on it. If you do that you will see a half sized tab with the name/avi of the website sitting there.

It is pretty useless to me if it is supposed to work for the single session you are working on and my understanding is that it would hold the pins forever!! but it does not.
Thank you so much for your response. Terminology is not my strong point!! When you open edge and are browsing there are tabs across the top of the screen. If you left click on those tabs you get a menu. One of those is "PIN". When you pin something, the website is supposed (as I understand) to always be over to the left waiting for you to click on it. If you do that you will see a half sized tab with the name/avi of the website sitting there.

It is pretty useless to me if it is supposed to work for the single session you are working on and my understanding is that it would hold the pins forever!! but it does not.

this is on anniversary update?

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