Any must have extensions?


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Sep 13, 2016
As the Edge extension library grows, what are some must have extensions that will make day to day life easier.
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AdBlock Plus. Ads are getting even more aggressive, privacy stealing and bandwidth hogging day by day, so you need this to be your first extension installed if you want to survive the web on Edge.
The news that ABP will start selling "curated" ads is worrisome to me. If they do it *right*, I'm game, but I'm pretty skeptical.

In terms of extensions, a *good* mouse gestures extension is critical for my non-touch PCs. It just makes browsing so much easier. After that, a good translator would be nice - and alas, as I've posted elsewhere it's still out of the grasp of Edge compared to Chrome so far.

Anyone else using the sideloaded uBlock Origin extension on Edge? I think it works much better than Ad Block or Ad Block Plus. It uses much less resources and Edge is much quicker using it than the others, IMO.

However, I've noticed at least one quirk. Whenever a webpage gives a ".htm" request, uBlock seems to interpret this as something to download and not execute. For example, when attempting to track a package at, it won't go to the tracking page, but rather try and download the ".htm" request. I get this at other sites sometimes well. Has anyone else seen this behavior? Perhaps it will get fixed when the extension doesn't have to be sideloaded. For comparison, this does not happen using uBlock Origin on Firefox.
uBlock Origin is in development. When it's released, I would recommend it over AdBlock Plus. Just make sure to disable it on Windows Central. :cool:

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