My super fast Dell XPS lags heavily in Edge

Wilbur Lin

New member
May 8, 2013
I have a new Dell XPS 8910, with Intel i7 6700K processor, NVIDIA 970, 32 GB ram, 512 GB SSD and 2 TB HDD. Not a single app can slow it down, including the heavy eaters like the media processing applications from Adobe. My Chrome browser can open up to a few dozens of tabs at the same time without any trouble shifting between them thanks to the 32 gigs of ram. Yet, Edge cannot even open without being unresponsive a few times before it loads. It cannot even handle two tabs at once without both crashing. I am wondering what kind of browser needs more power than what my PC has to offer?
LOL, they made a famous online video speed test and battery usage, in wich the new Anniversary Update Edge beats Chrome everytime
I used Edge a little when I installed Windows 10 when they pushed it out for free, I found it sluggish when rendering some websites then but it seems to have improved since then. Is the Anniversary Edge available?

Edit: Looks like it was with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update which I didn't even know had happened. Ad blocker extensions help Edge with performance.
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