Hi, don't normally use edge but had to today I cannot download anything tried to uninstall edge won't let me I need addminstrate right which i am don't understand? got windows 10
been using chrome and can download there so must be edge
when I go on my sons account edge is working fine all the thimgs I cant do on my account I can on his not sure what next?
Hi tried to do what you said I went into user account created another account went to log in and I get this message the user profile Service service failed the sign-in user profile cannot be loaded.Tried to use family and friends get the same message I have loged on my sons account get the same message there. When I first got my computer I loged on with my microsoft account then changed to a pin.Edge has been fine berfore what next?
It's a laptop about 3 years old?
Hi yeah my own and my sons both admin thanks for your help
Hi, tried to add an account get the same message, what if I do a system restore in windows 10 would that help can I do a system restore in windows 10?
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link not working