Edge constantly refreshes pages


New member
Feb 12, 2014
I know I'm not the only one having this issue with Edge continually refreshing the page when browsing on my phone. I'm wondering if anyone else has found a fix for this? It's gotten so bad to where i have to use a different browser or even want to switch back to Android. It's very frustrating. Any tips? I've reset my phone, I've cleared caches, I've done everything i can think of.
clear the cache (try to sue the ccleaner to clean more than that).
if this does not work then try to uninstall the edge and install it again.
if this also does not work, then try to use some antivirus to scan ur computer for some infections
He's talking about Windows Mobile on his phone. I agree, Edge is a disaster. That and Facebook are what drove me to Android, which I'm not crazy about either. If they'd fix Edge, I'd consider coming back.
Originally posted by jeffchapik
He's talking about Windows Mobile on his phone. I agree, Edge is a disaster. That and Facebook are what drove me to Android, which I'm not crazy about either. If they'd fix Edge, I'd consider coming back.

It's a joke really. That a product can be so badly implemented at to the core of an OS makes me fret its future. I love the Windows mobile environment, but... I'm about to drop it and go to a 4GB Android phone that i have as a spare. Not what i want to do but... I may have to.
I have this problem too. It has made some websites unusable. What is really frustrating is that often the page seems fine, for example to read a forum post or a news story. But it refreshes anyway because something unimportant hasn't loaded (maybe an ad or something that I don't notice), and subsequently crashes.

Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP.

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