Why I use Edge as my daily driver. Which browser do you use and why?

Vishvjeet Arya

New member
Sep 28, 2014
I used to have a lot of browsers installed on my PC. Then one day this thought stuck in my mind that, what is the point behind using all those browser as I am just every other joe who uses a browser for just news, some web surfing, YouTube sometimes and other usual websites. Neither I design any kind of websites nor I am one of those heavy users. So I thought it is a wise decision to use edge instead of installing third party browsers. It serves the purpose, save a lot of installation space and it is lighter on system than Chrome or Firefox.
Till now it is working well but is there any reason for a user like me to switch to another browser?
I also use Edge as my only browser. I just would like MS to make it a separate app, and not part of Windows, so it can be updated much quicker.
I would like to use Edge as my main browser - and often times I do. But I would recommend you install chrome on your PC as well. Here are some of my issues with edge - there are more but I can't remember them all off the top of my head.

1. Editing - if you use Edge for editing you will find it very buggy.
- they still use backspace as navigate back one page (I have lost a bunch of edits because of this)
- The built in spell check does wonky things.
- Copy/Paste does not always work correctly

2. VPN - does not work over VPN (so I have to use chrome when I am VPN'd to work)

3. Occasionally does not work correctly over public wifi - will not display the login page.

4. Occasionally kills CPU. Sometimes with loading my feed (I always turn that off)

there are more...
I use Edge as my main browser, unless when I want to download videos from YouTube,; when I have to switch to Chrome for its integration with Internet Download Manager (IDM )
I liked Edge and tried to use it fir sometime and liked its features, BUT I can see the Enough slow speed in loading the page as Compared to Chrome. Hence Switched back to Chrome because Speed in loading Page is my priority and Both Chrome and Edge are good for Security. Also Chrome has more apps & functionality in Chrome Store. If the day comes when I can See/feel that Edge is faster than Chrome I will definitely use it because I prefer Inbuilt Features of an OS over 3rd party if its fulfilling my requirements. And those who are concerned with heavy Resource usage (battery,cpu,etc) If you're using Tablet PC, Surface Pro or similiar than its OK. But if Someone is using Desktop and/or Traditional powerful Laptops and thinking "no I'll not use Chrome because it eats Resources" than throw that PC and get a new one If your PC can't handle a browser than what's the point of having one !
I use Brave for the most part, Firefox for what that wont do, Edge after that, and Chrome only as a last resort.
I use Chrome as my default browser in Windows 10, since it works well with my Android devices as well as with desktop Windows. My alternate browser is Firefox.

I tried Edge and just experienced too many hugs to be able to tolerate it.
I have used Edge only/solely more and more since 2016/2017. At first I couldn't coming from Chrome. Nowadays I can.
I use edge as my default browser and I have IE 11 as a backup browser and those two do enough for me that I don't even download chrome of Firefox cause I don't need em anymore

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