Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: Windows Phone (Nice LOOKING Disapointing otherwise)

No good apps are on this phone and I have had it for over a year. It seems every commercial, every company gives the same old pitch ?Now available on Android and iPhone? but never mentions Windows.

The one app, the one feature I want most, Windows can never deliver and it is because Windows phones are programmed a certain way. All I want is an app that I can track my children when they go to school IN REAL TIME and Windows phones no matter what app you use will not allow updating in less than 30 minute intervals. What good is tracking my kids every 30 minutes? Windows phones are really nothing more than nice looking phones that can?t do anything. I will switch to Android or iPhone in 8 months. Can?t wait
this is the app you were looking for Check out "Life360 Family Loc..." for Windows Phone http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=a2fe74d5-c57f-44bd-8c12-9984b6aaaf9c
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Agreed with the app situation on Windows Phone. I have an 8X for work, and a Galaxy S4 as my personal phone. Tapatalk now is almost as good as the Android version, and Beats Music is every bit as nice (although a bit laggy). Other apps like IMDB and Slacker Radio are there but awful.

I'd like to make the switch to just having one phone, but it's a bit impossible for me at the moment. Supposedly the company may offer a choice when we upgrade in February. It'd be great to see the app choice pick up in the next few months to solidify a WP choice instead of Android.

I'm in the same boat. Have a Note 2 and a 8x, which I really want to enjoy as my primary device, but the apps just aren't there. The Facebook one is downright awful, and now that I've went to 8.1 dev preview, don't even have the people hub integration. That and hardware wise, my 8x just doesn't hold a candle to a quad core Android with 2GB ram. I know some say Android is inefficient, and I agree with it, but it seems Android OEMs have simply added more horsepower under the hood to power through it. The 8x has little lag under 8.1, and neither does the Note 2 under Android 4.3, soon to get KitKat. And going from a 5.5 inch to a 4.3 inch screen is very difficult as well. I'm sure maybe if I had a 1020 or 1520 I'd feel differently.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Well I have again left Windows Phone and this time it might be the last switch. I tried my hardest to not switch but the app situation and the late to the game updates are indeed starting to wear on me. Microsoft moves a bit to slow to get themselves in the game IMO. Also the facts that Microsoft own apps are better on other platforms than it's own makes windows phone look bad. Their priorities seem to be to just give us the bare basics and that just won't do anymore. I have a Lumia 1520, 820, & 520 that are now being cast off to other relatives to use that are just beginning to enter the smartphone market.

I myself now have a Sony Xperia Z2 and I must say it is indeed stunning device and I feel that I won't be going back to Windows Phone ever again. What a waste Microsoft has made a platform with great promise. The fact that the next big Windows Phone release isn't going to happen until sometime down in November just makes the decision easier. Microsoft needs to wake up and see that their competitors are going to roll over them. IMO I think Microsoft is just trying to hold on to a piece of the mobile market and tablets since they were late to the game.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Windows phone 8.1 music app sync problems is the nail in the coffin for me..
All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows...

bear with WP a little longer. I know WP user say it all the time, but the WP 8.1 will change ALOT of things. Also regarding support, You picked wrong manufacturer, not OS :)

I've been "bearing with WP a little longer" since I first got my Lumia 800 on WP7.5. Jumped between IOS and Android in between Lumia's 920, 925, 1020 and now 1520. Things have really come on in 8.1 but there's nothing more frustrating or disheartening than trying to get a new or even semi new app because realistically it will be old by the time it comes to WP. Add the fact the apps we do have are so poor quality and feature lacking to those on iOS or Android. I love Lumia phones and I'll keep coming back everytime I forget about the frustrations I have with the platform like I have this week. The rumour of an iPhone 'phablet' as well as the release of the Galaxy Note 4 will be hard to resist in September so time will tell.

Sent from my iPad using WPCentral Forums
Why I might leave windows phone

Lets start by saying I have been a devout WP evangelist in Edmonton for the last 2 years since I bought my phone. However, now that my phone renewal date is coming closer I am feeling more inclined to purchase a devise other than a windows phone:

1. Firstly, WP (Nokia) needs to drop its proprietary arrangement with specific service providers. In Canada, there is only Telus, Rogers and Bell. If you are with Bell, you will not be offered the best WP experience because you cannot purchase a Nokia device. Moreover, the most current device in Canada is the 1020, which is well over a year old and has a fraction of the specs of current Android devices. This needs to change.
2. Microsoft is so slow to offer updates like 8.1. I'm tired of waiting, not to mention that I have heard that Cortana is not even coming to Canada because she does not speak Quebec's mother tongue. So how long do I have to wait for that.....2 more years. forget it.

3. Microsoft continues to offer its best services to IOS and Android anyway. Have you noticed that MS continues to open up its best products (Word, Excel, Xbox music, OneDrive and now Cortana) to these ecosystems, without any thought to the impact this is going to have on Windows Phone as a unique device? I have the feeling that if windows phone does not pick up steam, their plan is to drop the phone and become a services company.

4. Apps. I'm not sure I need to say more besides the fact that I'm tired of using 3rd party apps. Its clear that IOS and Android get a superior experience with their apps. Specifically, I'm very jealous of the Flickr and Instragram apps on other devices.

I'm beginning to feel that if I can get the best of MS services, with uncompromised apps, on a superior device......I think I may have to switch. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Thinking of switching from Windows Phone to android :(

Hey all...This is something that I really don't want to do, but I want a phablet so bad and I am not leaving T-mobile and I don't want to sacrifice LTE service by buying direct - I pay for that service and I can't afford to pay like 600+ for RM-938

Really disappointed that MSFT can't get more WPs to T-Mobile and I have had a Windows Phone since the HTC HD7!

The reason I want a phablet is the primary reason I use my phone: media! I watch Netflix and Hulu+ all the time on my phone, especially at the airport and on the plane (saved content). I would even get a SAMSUNG windows phone if I had to and I hate Samsung :(

I have heard rumors of a newer Windows phone coming in Q4, I can switch every 6/mo with T-mobile, so if I switch now I can switch back in December if something better comes along...

I did come here for a reason though: anyone heard anything about T-mobile getting a windows phablet?
Re: Thinking of switching from Windows Phone to android :(

Kind of strange that you want to leave just for a phablet if you seem to love the os.

If I was in your shoes, I would stick with the os and just get the 1520. Vs getting a whole nother os just to say I own a phablet.

But too each their own I suppose lol

Idk if it is a phablet but I do know a Lumia is coming to Verizon, tmo and att later this year. So maybe it's the one you're talking about.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I have a Windows Phone since the first day, starting with the HTC Mozart and it's amoled screen. Today, I have a Nokia 1020, and I'm selling for a nice looking phone as the Lumia 925 is... But for the same price, I'll get a Moto X.

I'm so tired of the app gap. The wp os was really stunning with wp7.5, but right now this os is at least 2 years late behind Ios and Android.

Android and iOs have the same services as OneDrive and OneNote, the only thing I know I'll miss is the flat look and the unique design WP7 started few years ago.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Android - because of Microsoft's US first /only behaviour
I switched from the Nokia xpress music 5800( which I used for 5 years) to lumia1520.
So far enjoying the fresh windowsphone 8 experience. During my days with 5800 I enjoyed it though. It satisfied all my basic needs. Just want to switch to something big especially seeing everyone with a 5" phone
Android - because of Microsoft's US first /only behaviour

Me too.
Same reason every services of MS is USA centric. They are mostly for US only.
Well MS just realised now that they need to improve other countries services too but it will take very long time.

Better to switch which offer better.
I am also moving.
Just waiting for new Nexus.
Why I left WP8 and Glad that I Did

It?s been three days since I ended my affair with Windows Phone 8 (Lumia 920). I hadn?t even planned on buying a new phone. I went to the AT&T store with my family to help them switch plans so that we could all enjoy more data for a much lower cost. After running the numbers with the sales associate it was proven to me that my wife and I could get new phones for just $3 more a month than what we were currently paying.

When the sales associated asked me which phone I wanted, I asked her what the ?hottest non-Apple phone was.? She said, ?The Galaxy S5.?

I walked over to the display and picked it up to see what the competition had created. I placed my WP8 next to it to size it up. It looked good. I had to admit it.

Feeling guilty, I walked over to the WP display and looked at the new WP8 line-up. From the outside it didn?t look like much had changed. I knew that the new 8.1 update was on the way, but I kept asking myself if that was really going to change anything?

My wife walked over to me and tried to talk me into an iPhone 5S. Ironically, her pestering made me think more and more about my two year departure from Android.

Originally I left Android because I felt like the platform was becoming too open for its own good. I had installed several mediocre apps and over time the performance of the phone seemed to wane. Cleaning and repairing the software felt too much like maintaining another pc. I wanted a phone that just worked. So when I came across WP8, it had real appeal.

Truth be told I was content with the WP8 for the last two years. I had convinced myself that the lack of apps didn?t matter. I was really only upset about MyFitnessPal, which became useless after an update nearly 9 months ago, and the lack of my bank?s app. Other than that, I felt like I had all that I needed?or so I thought.

?So what did you decide?? the sales associate asked.

As I stood there, feeling guilty, my gut told me to make the switch. ?I will take the S5 Active,? I said.

Several hours passed before I was able to actually sit down with my new phone, and then several more hours passed before I could stop myself from using it. It didn?t take long for me to come to a serious conclusion?the Windows Phone platform is dead in the water. After a few hours with the mature Android platform it became crystal clear that WP is light years behind in every way imaginable.

Forget the fact that I now have access to all of the apps that I could ever want. Android has matured and developers have thrived and it shows. With multicore processors and years of app development now behind it, using Android feels like a guilty pleasure.

The apps on Android (that are also available on WP) are much, much better in design and function. The graphics are stunning and navigation is intuitive. I did not have to learn ?Android logic? to easily navigate and customize my apps. It became more and more clear to me that they way WP apps are laid out is overly restrictive. A platform that once seems intuitive is now a heavy anchor holding the platform back.

WP wants me to navigate only one way, it wants me to access tweaks in a specific manner, and it wants to present visual information in a fixed format. In doing so, I now see that the platform for what it is and why app makers resist it. Plain and simple, it forces app makers to work within a fixed logic, not the best or even the most creative logic. This alone stifles innovation. It places chains on creativity and limits possibilities.

In short, I am glad that I made the switch. Freedom. That is what it feels like using the Galaxy S5 after two years with the WP. I tried to support the platform, I really did (I even have W8 on my desktop and a Surface Pro 2?hell I have a Zune HD!). But now I see the writing on the wall. The WP is a failure because of its software, and at this point there is nothing it can do.
Re: Why I left WP8 and Glad that I Did

Rob A pretty much sums up where I am at. I'll keep an eye on WP as I go through phones maybe every 9 months or so, but right now I think the cost benefit for people familiar with Android isn't compelling to stay on WP. I will however try and keep plugged into MS services like Bing, OneDrive, and others. I may be back who knows. I totally get the "guilty pleasure feeling" Rob A is talking about.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I am on the tip of switching to iOS.
Why? Apps quality.

I have been a WP8 user for almost 1.5 years now. It has come a long way since then but still has a lot of work on the app gap and quality.

While I love the 1020's camera; I can't stand how buggy Twitter is, as well as Vine, Tumblr, Instagram (BETA), you name it.

Recently purchased an iPod touch to pilot my shift and honestly, it just works. Not that my phone doesn't; I'm just unsatisfied.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I've been with WP for almost two years now and recently my 820 fell to the pavement and cracked its screen so I'm looking for a replacement....and the trouble is: there doesn't seem to be one.

The only three high-end options seem to be the 1520, the 1020 and the 930 (which has been "coming soon" since forever), unless you also want to consider phones from over a year ago!

The worst part is some of these "flapships" seem to lose features I already have on my two year old 820:
930 doesn't have glance and the 1020 doesn't have wireless charging. And the 1520 is a phablet - not a phone. If there were a "mini" 1520 with a 4.5-5 inch screen I'd consider it, but there isn't.

Simply put, there isn't much of a choice for someone looking to upgrade their WP device.

I love SONY phones for their aesthetics, and if they did WP I'd buy it in a heart beat. But sadly they don't, and with Microsoft/Nokia launching only one "flagship" every 18 months or so, I'm gonna have to say No to WP and move to Android.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Is there a reason that a lot of people switching from WP don't even consider iphone? It works well with MS services and it has the better App Store.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Is there a reason that a lot of people switching from WP don't even consider iphone? It works well with MS services and it has the better App Store.

The tiny size and the need for iTunes (bloated, memory hog on Windows) are the reasons I wouldn't consider iPhone. The iPhone 6 should be bigger, but the need for iTunes still exists.
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