Save the Nokia Lumia brand petition


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Hey guys, i've started a petition on to urge Nokia and Microsoft to atleast reconsider the use of the Nokia brand for the next few years until WP gains momentum :) It would be huge if the WP community rallied behind this and got this going. We all know that the Nokia Lumia brand is powerful and is finally starting to gain enough momentum to pull in a decent number of customers. It would all be gone to waste if they had to build it up from scratch by switching to a new brand. What do you all think? In my opinion,the Nokia brand needs to be saved not just because its strategically advantageous to Microsoft...but also because many of us have a soft corner for the brand and what the experience that comes along with it means. We just cant help trust it!

If you agree with me, here's the link :

Any suggestions as to editing the message or something missed upon in presenting the petition would be great cause am new to trying something like this :)
That brand name wasn't going to be around forever. Why don't you instead focus your protests on something that will actually make a difference. This is trival.
That brand name wasn't going to be around forever. Why don't you instead focus your protests on something that will actually make a difference. This is trival.
I tried wp8 only because of nokias history of proven quality no other OEM is the same and made a wise choice because I knew Nokia would deliver. If nokias gone what next never had an experience with a Microsoft phone....i don't think anyone has
Please don't waste your time on this. Get over it. This is the reality of company acquisition. Nokia phones is gone. Let's move with the times. You're not going to change Microsoft's mind. They're not going to do things differently just because you want them to change. They're a business and they're going to do what's best for them.
Please don't waste your time on this. Get over it. This is the reality of company acquisition. Nokia phones is gone. Let's move with the times. You're not going to change Microsoft's mind. They're not going to do things differently just because you want them to change. They're a business and they're going to do what's best for them.
who sells the most wp8? Nokia so if there gone who's next to take that crown Samsung? HTC? Huawei? If wp8 has no nokias to offer who will come to wp8? You think people buy so many nokias on wp8 because there's nothing else?no the choose Nokia because there the best phones out there.with Nokia gone what will be your next phone? With Nokia gone there won't be many good choices. those huaweis are like pez dispensers
Aren't Nokia still making the phones though? It just doesn't have the word Nokia on them? So what's the big deal?
who sells the most wp8? Nokia so if there gone who's next to take that crown Samsung? HTC? Huawei? If wp8 has no nokias to offer who will come to wp8? You think people buy so many nokias on wp8 because there's nothing else?no the choose Nokia because there the best phones out there.with Nokia gone what will be your next phone? With Nokia gone there won't be many good choices. those huaweis are like pez dispensers

What are you talking about? The nokia wp's aren't going away, they will just be named differently

"those huaweis are like pez dispensers" LOL xD
who sells the most wp8? Nokia so if there gone who's next to take that crown Samsung? HTC? Huawei? If wp8 has no nokias to offer who will come to wp8? You think people buy so many nokias on wp8 because there's nothing else?no the choose Nokia because there the best phones out there.with Nokia gone what will be your next phone? With Nokia gone there won't be many good choices. those huaweis are like pez dispensers

You should do something more useful with that passion of yours instead of worrying about what a product has on the front of it.

Also, lets be clear here. It's a name change, not a product change. The makers at this time are still Nokia, who use a Chinese manufacturer. The RD is done in Finland which is where it will stay until MS decides otherwise. So it's still technically a 'Nokia' phone. So your PEZ dispenser comment is inaccurate and insulting to MS, who is the one that makes WP possible in the first place.
What's wrong with you NOKIA is not going to be dissed by Microsoft. Microsoft will use the Nokia brand to propel its smartphone business to the next level.
What's wrong with you NOKIA is not going to be dissed by Microsoft. Microsoft will use the Nokia brand to propel its smartphone business to the next level.

Only for as long as they need to. There is already a hint that both Nokia and Lumia will be dropped sooner rather than later.
I'm not sure an online petition will help the situation. If the overwhelmingly negative reaction from Nokia fans across the globe doesn't convince MS that dropping or phasing out the Nokia and Lumia brand names is a dumb and financially unwise idea then nothing will.
Hmm Its just as easy to close the petition as it is to open it. I thought instead of doing the usual discussion here before taking a considering a petition, i went a step ahead and made it and then put it up for discussion here, maybe in the hope that people would respond better given the stimulus. But obviously the majority here are either skeptical or against it. I guess I'll give it another two days and if theres enough support to drive this thing i'll continue it. People in support, keep sharing the link, it will obviously have to be based on the votes that can be garnered within this time :)
'The overwhelmingly negative reaction' strapped together and presented as a big bundle to MS is what this petition is supposed to be....Thats the whole point of a petition isnt it..? To harness or channel the similar strong view point of a number of people and be used as one significant voice.
How many customers and the average Joes out there do you really think will try and bother to understand that...? In their perspective, it would seem as if Microsoft gobbled up Nokia and when the Nokia brand disappears from smartphones within 6months or so (which is way too soon if you ask me),people might feel that the presence of Nokia disappeared within Microsoft already...This is how many WPCentral users fear might happen even after knowing the facts, the average customer would just give up trying to understand and walk away from the 'apparent mess'.
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Microsoft and Nokia took MONTHS to reach and agreement how they would sell the company. Microsoft couldnt even buy the Here maps technology. do you think its so easy to say "sabe the name blabla?" its not like they took a week to reach this deal and something can be changed in last minute.... (because the only way of Microsoft of keeping Nokia names was buying all the company, just like they did with skype, but its obvious Nokia didnt want that)

why dont you make a petition instead to stop the acquisition? it would be more posible for that to happen than they changing terms of the deal. you know, there was a reason why Microsoft couldnt buy all the company, and why Nokia didnt want to sell it, like i said, not even Maps could be acquired by Microsoft.

so again, a petition for something that its already pacted for a deal, its really silly petition, becuase you cant change the contract and deal you already agreed to (you know thats how business work in real world not in a fairy tale), only becuase some people dont like the idea of Nokia not making phones anymore, even though alot of Nokia employees would be Microsoft employees, so it would come from the same people that made Nokia phones .
I think starting the petition is a great idea. What has been said about Skype makes a good point. Microsoft havnt suddenly rebranded Skype... and for good reason. It's a strong and trusted brand that people get behind and beleive in. If it was rebranded as Micro-chat or something it would start to loose momentum to things like viber and whatsapp. (Not exactly the same I know but you get my point). Nokia has a strong brand link to solid, quality, trust and design. Things I don not associate with Microsoft. You'd think that given the background team behind the phones will be the same that you would want to milk that Nokia momentum for as long as you can not just hack it off at the elbow the minute you find a saw!

It might be sad and pointless but there is such a thing as brand loyalty for some of us. Im proud to say I own a Nokia because it communicates the brand links I mentioned earlier. Wheras saying oh I have a windows phone, frankly is almost abit embaressing. I can stop talking at Nokia. Wheras Windows phone is met with looks of, oh really? at which point I always have to explain why!

So yeah, go petition - why not :)
Same loyal fan here i really want MS to keep Nokia logo connecting people and the hand shakes with them that I'd cool or else there is no WP... All bull****
I think in the end a lot of people that want to buy a next generation Lumia with Nokia on it in the future (me included) are just going to be disappointed. It seems MS has no interest in continuing what we've had and want to move forward with something new but with their name on it. A shame. Nokia, the Lumia design language, the numbering system, and the OS are what attracted to me the platform in the first place.

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